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Favourite No. 2 Sequels

There are games out there where developers get the first entry in the series right the first time that it makes the sequels irrelevant or not as good. The following are my picks that defy the rules where they surpass their predecessors in amazing ways.

Last Update: October 23rd, 2017

List items

  • Cinemassacre said it best: "Star Trek II (The Wrath of Khan) is like Street Fighter II; nobody gives a s**t about the first one." And I wholeheartedly agree. There have never been so many versions of one single game in existence than Street Fighter II. We have Turbo, Hyper, HD, Mobile, etc. That says it all.

  • Often regarded as the best in the series and for good reasons. Resident Evil 2 took all the elements from the original and crank them all up to level 9000. Every game developer who wishes to make his/her own survival horror game must use Resident Evil 2 as a stepping stone.

  • Sons of Liberty is one of those games that you either love it or hate it. I LOVE IT! The cyberpunk aesthetics really sucks me in and I absolutely adore the flow of the game.

  • The original NES version is often regarded as one of the worst video games ever made. Thankfully, gamers are blessed with this vastly superior sequel for the NES and Game Boy. I personally love the latter version and remember spending countless hours playing it.

  • Creator Peter Molyneux was not involved in the making of the sequel but that didn't stop Bullfrog Productions from crafting this majestic masterpiece. I recommend playing Dungeon Keeper 2 on

  • I admit - I never did finish the game (lolcheats) nor could I ever memorize the moves properly but it didn't matter. Mortal Kombat II had everybody in my neighbourhood geeking out to fatalities and overall violent content. In fact, MK II started the ESRB Rating System along with Night Trap.

  • No contest. Hands down the best of the best Mass Effect game ever made. Nuff said.

  • Everyone will agree that the original Batman NES is a very difficult yet memorable game. I however enjoyed Return of the Joker even more. Sure, it makes no sense to have Batman using guns to "kill" enemies and fighting non-DC bosses aside from the Joker but hey, as long as the game is fun, who cares?

  • From the get-go, Dead or Alive 2 fulfilled every male gamer's wet dream, I mean fighting dream come true. Showcasing better 3d modelling (plus breast physics), it made Dead or Alive 2 a fighting game like no other back then.

  • Just when you thought System Shock 1 can't get anymore convoluted, Irrational Games then released a sequel that's even more mindblowing. The game is filled with mysteries, sci-fi tropes, tight RPG elements and surprisingly horrific environments, making it a game that was definitely a way ahead of its time. My only complain is the weapon degradation system that's super annoying. Will the upcoming sequel be even more spectacular than this? Only time will tell.

  • If you've never heard of the first Army Men game don't worry; you're not missing much (and it's not worth your time). Army Men II is a bigger, better and badder version thanks to its lenient difficulty (AM1 is hard as balls!) and creative levels.

  • Yes, the original Super Mario Land for the Game Boy is a masterpiece but I personally enjoyed the sequel a whole lot more. It is the first game to introduce Wario and I especially like the pacing on each level. It's less frustrating and you can take your time compared to the original.

  • Visceral Games' swan song. I would call Dead Space 2 a cinematic horror for its incredible camera angles and immersive experience. Too bad part 3 didn't live up to its hype.

  • The Evil Within 1 is a great comeback to the original Survival Horror experience but it's unfortunately hampered by its outdated gameplay and predictable scares. It seems like director Shinji Mikami was just rehasing old ideas from past Resident Evil games that he worked on and did not improve on them. Thankfully, he stepped down as executive producer in part 2 and let new blood take over the helm and it paid off. The Evil Within 2 is even more spectacular than the first one; sounds similar as Resident Evil 1 & 2. Coincidence? You decide.

  • One of the first games that made me feel I actually traveled around the world. From Italy to Russia to Japan to Malaysia, Hitman 2: SA has it all. The locals and areas may not be accurate but who cares? The game is super fun and Agent 47 is in his element; you actually sympathize and cared for a merciless killing machine. That's some good writing.

  • I was kinda bummed when Frank West did not return for the sequel but after playing it, Chuck Greene's saga was pretty good. In fact better than the first one. Then came along the "what if" scenario called Off The Record featuring our favourite photographer back in action. It's basically the exact same game but with Frank West as the star of the show. The plot and missions are better off with him.

  • Although it has no 2 in the title, Still Life is indeed the sequel to the 2002 game called Post Mortem, featuring a new protagonist but with similar story elements from the past. The pre-rendered backgrounds look exquisite in here and the point n click interaction is intuitive. Only problem is the catastrophic difficulty level when it comes to puzzle solving. You really need a walkthrough to finish the game!

  • Some prefer the original but my favourite is Bloodshot. Condemned 1 has its moments but as a launch title for the Xbox 360, it's got flaws. With part 2, you can tell both Warner Bros. and Monolith had more time to develop this game and fine tune some mechanics. I'd recommend playing this but it seems the developers have abandoned the game with no patches to make it run on newer firmwares for the Xbox 360 and PS3. Please port a remaster version to PC, Warner Bros! I love Condemned 2!

  • People often talk about how great Warcraft III, World of Warcraft and Dota are - but they forget to mention Warcraft II, one of the most influential strategy games ever made. The moment Blizzard decides to port a remaster version, you youngsters have to play Tides of Darkness and its expansion Beyond The Dark Portal.

  • What can be said about Melee that hasn't been said already? It's one of the best local multiplayer games, it breaks friendships and the game's still relevant to this day.

  • Naughty Dog really pushed the envelope with Uncharted 2. I literally could not stop playing from beginning to end.

  • When EA fails to deliver with newer Command & Conquer games, Blizzard prevails with StarCraft II.

  • I unfortunately did not finish playing AvP2 but I do remember being far superior than the first. Nothing compares to this; not even Randy Bitchford's Colonial Marines (like that's even a comparison ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

  • Another great game where you sympathize the protagonist who's actually the bad guy, which makes him a douche. However, as you progress throughout the levels, you realize it's more to it than mistaken identity. You have to play Manhunt 2 to see what I mean.

  • Ubisoft really did their homework to emulate the game world as close to Italy as much as possible. You can't help but to appreciate and drool on every brick in Assassin's Creed II. The level design is brilliant to a T.

  • Hooray! Not only did Maxis replace the god awful Comic Sans font but they also revamped the whole thing. The Sims 2 is indeed the sequel we've been waiting for.

  • Gee, thanks for updating Team Fortress 2 this month, Valve. You could've used all the time and resources in making Half-Life 3 but at least you guys are still in operation.