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  • I'm referring to all new Sonic games. What happened, Sega? You guys lost your marbles or something? Why can't they make a decent Sonic games anymore? Ever since they lost the console war in 2001 Sega hasn't been the same again.

  • A complete polar opposite from the first masterpiece. Devil May Cry 2 may look similar than its predecessor at first glance but when you start playing it, questions will start coming out of your mouth. Where's Trish? Where am I? Why isn't Dante talking? And why are the boss fights are incredibly easy? Yes, literally you can hold the fire button with any bosses and can still win the match. That is one lazy gimmick.

  • All the new Army Men games after 2000. 3DO was either hiring programmers who aren't programmers or they were on drugs and were constantly making love with each other.


    Ok, that was harsh but I can't help it. Army Men was such a promising franchise which I believe could do so much more with its imaginative universe, memorable characters and fun missions but sadly 3DO didn't see it that way.


    Each game seemed to decline in quality and after the company declared themselves bankrupt, the series was bought by another company. But even then, they still can't make a proper Army Men game. This proves that they are self-aware that they are not capable of making a good Army Men or any other games for that fact. I wish the 3DO developers will die in slow and painful deaths for being a couple of douchebags. Burn in hell. We don't wanna see you guys ever again.

  • Don't get me wrong, I love the first Quake but not the sequels. The reason I disapprove of the others is because of the direction it went. Quake I started out as a space marine being trapped in a demonic world with settings of a medieval style fantasy world. It was dark, it was scary and it was full of thrills. It was almost like an RPG game, battling monsters through dungeons, uncovering mysterious artifacts to unlock hellish gates and travelling through portals to battle against diabolic bosses.



    Then came along the sequels, which look nothing like the first one because it involves fighting with aliens instead of demons and other unearthly creatures.

    The setting was more urban than ancient, much more brighter than dark and less scary than the first one. This was when the disappointment began because Quake I had the potential to be a different and unique FPS because of its style and subject matter but instead, the guys at id decided to repackage the franchise and turn it into a generic Doom-like game.



    While I do admit that I enjoy playing Quake II, Team Arena, 4 and Enemy Territory, I can't help feel that these games should've been called Doom games and not Quake games. From what I understand, Quake II was supposed to be a new FPS game with a new name but apparently, id Software had difficulty in acquiring a trademark for alternative titles so they decided to turn it into a Quake sequel instead. That is very sad.



    I sure hope some day id will revive the first Quake with sequels that follow the original recipe.