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E3 2015 Top 10 Big Budget Games

Like I did last year I'm going to make a list of top 10 games that caught my eye during the week long mess that is called E3. I'm going with two different lists again to give some focus to the smaller games that might have been overlooked.With all the VR talk it's to bad I can't really get any hype for it thanks to the fact that I need to see it in person before I can be impressed by it. Anyway this list is all about the big releases that are a cornerstone of any good console/pc.

List items

  • It is rare for a new IP to impress me as much as this one did but they showed a unique world that I don't see often in a video game. Plus I couldn't say no to robot dinosaurs. Also it didn't hurt that the gameplay looked good too.

  • Up to this point I didn't know that I wanted to make my own Mario levels. After they showed this off at the Nintendo World Championships I was sold on the fact that it was possible to make a ton of unique levels using this game. Plus I'm sure the first thing someone will make is 1-1 since that is required in any game that lets someone make a level.

  • The one thing that I wish more games had was environmental destruction so it's a good thing JC3 is bringing that back.

  • Exploring a vast Desert with a robot buddy that can change forms seems like a game I should be interested in.

  • Hands down this game is the best looking game at E3. Sure it may just be another Uncharted but I've always enjoyed this series.

  • Always up for more Fallout. Looks like they've improved on the vats system too although it is hard to tell from the trailer.

  • I didn't think I would want a sequel to Peace Walker but after what they showed at E3 I'm on board. Plus the addition of the open world seems to add a lot to it.

  • A better looking Battlefront game looks fun to me.

  • After last year I thought this was done for but it turns out it will come out eventually. To bad we have to wait a year.

  • Truly a game I never thought I would see ever. Shenmue has never been a great game but the ambition of what they were trying to do impressed me more than anything. I can't say that about this one but I'll gladly pay to finally see the conclusion to the story.