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Game Of the Year Countdown 2013

Time for my personal Game of the Year list for 2013. My habit of not playing recent games even though I buy them has kinda left me with a large section of games that should have been considered for GOTY yet I haven't played them. To mix it up a bit I'm going to do a GOTY countdown instead of just listing out all 10 right now. Each day I'll add another till we get to #1 on Christmas.

List items

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #10

    A simple yet tough as nails action/platformer that kept me interested in coming back for more. It was always fun to keep trying to figure out how to beat each boss and the random nature of the castle gave it more variety. Which is why this is number 10 on my GOTY countdown.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #9

    Platinum continues the trend of making great action game while having a off the walls crazy story that fits perfectly in the MG universe. The gameplay was a highlight as well since it's fun to slice up just about everything in the game.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #8

    It's hard for me to not like a game that has a strong Metroidvania style to it. The game also had good pacing since they never overuse any one area in the game. The art style and overall story was another highlight since you don't see very many games staring a Lucador.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #7

    This game has a great visual style and it's just so charming with the silly puppet show they put on. The gameplay starts simple with just basic platforming but they add quite a few skills that make each area different. Never knowing what might pop up next was also fun since they really put a lot of time into making each chapter feel unique.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #6

    A pure sidescrolling shoot em up that is easy to play and hard to master. It has just the right mix of having powers that let a player get out of sticky situations while still punishing any mistakes.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #5

    It is hard to pinpoint why Animal Crossing works so well since most of the game is spent collecting things to sell. Yet the small town nature of the world is really relaxing and even if it's the same task every day I always seem to find something new to collect. Who needs real life when you've got Animal Crossing? hehe

  • Rio's Game Of the Year Countdown #4

    Like Resogun this game speaks to me in the language of gameplay. Fast paced gunplay with a great combo system kept me playing this more than I expected. The larger than life storytelling also fit perfectly in a Western setting.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #3

    This game has a good cast of characters that kept me interested in seeing the game to completion. Even the combat was fun since it required some skill to succeed. The overall story was also a highlight once it kicked into high gear half way through the game.

  • Rio's Game Of The Year Countdown #2

    I love a good platformer and Rayman legends hits all the right notes. With well put together levels that are fun to play through and the extra challenges unlocked after finishing them adds quite a bit of replay value. This game also has some of the best 2D art around.

  • Rio's Game of the year

    They pretty much put everything I like about a Zelda game into this one. Plus being able to do whatever I wanted dungeon wise was a nice change of pace. Even the story had a twist I wasn't even expecting at one point. Overall this raises my expectations of what a Zelda game can be since it's near perfection.