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Rio's Game Of The Year List Version 1.0

2020 was a rough year for everyone. It changed a lot of things but that also meant more time to play video games. A small light in a very dark night to be sure yet it brought me many good times in this crazy world we reside in right now. So you know lets just get to the point. Here are my favorite games of 2020!

List items

  • It's rare to see a game that is just super fun to play. No matter what set of variables come my way I was able to fight my way through them. Each run feels unique thanks to the selection of weapons and challenges that kept me entertained for hours. Plus the fact I played this a lot when it was in early access and after it was released I played it even more says just about everything you need to know. Sure it doesn't hurt that it has a great presentation and some rocking music. All in all a fantastic game. That is why it is my Game Of The Year.

  • Like #1 this is a game that I just keep playing. Doesn't hurt that the devlopers keep adding to the game every few months. Plus it's just a great pick up for 30 minutes game and then put it down again. I've had less time to play games lately so it's nice to have a game like this one. Doesn't have the most unique combat system yet the nature of exploring the world is what I ended up enjoying the most. Sure I was mostly just going around collecting random stuff but it just felt right to me. Thus it is my second favorite game this year.

  • The gigantic task of remaking this game must have been a nearly impossible. Yet it came out and was really good. Paying homage to the original while still adding in new elements worked out for Square Enix. I very rarely play all the side quests in a RPG. But I did that in this one even when they weren't that great. I just wanted to see more of the city of Midgar again. The action based combat and the very challenging boss fights make this a very memorable game. So it's my third favorite game this year.

  • Sega has been making Project Diva games for a while now. They don't really change much from one to another. The rhythm gameplay is still the same as always. Yet the song list changes and surprising enough the new cel shaded art style makes everything a bit more vibrant than before. Solid list of songs and a new mode to use the joycons made this a game I played for a while. For something so high on this list it may sound a bit basic. Yet I really needed something upbeat and positive.

  • A solid platformer that uses nostalgia very well. Plays well too with simple platforming challenges and a good use of the new controller. It may not be complex or long but I just had a smile on my face the entire time. This very much seems like the first big nostalgia play Sony has ever done. Maybe that's why it effected me so much.

  • I find it's very hard to make a good feeling beat em up these days. Finding the balance between not just letting your players break the game is not easy. This game manages to do that with the ablity to combo some fools for quite a while with the right mix of special moves. Especially when playing in coop. Enjoyed playing this game that I beat it multiple times which is very rare for a game like this. That is the main reason why this is so high on this list.

  • Ori 2 really just does everything the first game did but better. All the tools that Ori has now feel great to use. The new 3D art style is just as beautiful as before. Each new area challenged me in a new way. Plus a very well done ending too. All together a great little video game that hit all the right notes.

  • I love fighting games. Not very many came out this year. With this one being the only one on my list. Arc System Works has been trying to make more fighting games that anyone can play. Which always is a double edge sword. But for someone that likes to just jump in for a while it works pretty well. Let's me do some neat combos without to much practice. The story mode in this one is a bit of a let down but the overall fighting system is what I enjoyed the most. Well that and the very well done anime art style that they continue to improve on each time they make a new game.

  • For a game that I somewhat expected it to be a lighthearted fun time it ended up being a lot more than what it appears to be on the surface. A deep look into a bunch of messed up relationships with some silly bugsnax's shenanigans on the side. None of the gameplay is very complex at all but the slowly revealing nature of the island and it's inhabitants kept me hooked till the end. A worthwhile little adventure that I enjoyed.

  • A surprising little game that does more than the free price implies. A silly little story about a idiot protagonist trying to start a demon harem is pretty dumb. Yet the silly humor works most of the time and the block puzzles are fine too. The presentation and music go a long way to make it memorable too. Which is why it managed to barely get on my list this year