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RioStarwind's Top 10 Games Of The Year 2014

This year reignited my passion for playing weird Japanese games, First person shooters, fighting games and even Nintendo games. Sure most of those games usually show up on my GOTY list but this year really shows you the type of games I tend to play more so than normally. The fact that a fighting game actually got my top spot this year surprised me as well but that's how it came out when I made the list. Overall this year was a good year to be playing games and it looks like next year will be even better.

List items

  • I haven't enjoyed playing a fighting game this much in a long time. It even got me to focus on learning how to play one character. The fact that the story mode was also vastly improved over the first game and even side modes were much better easily made this my game of the year.

  • Kirby: Triple Deluxe recaptured the spirit of a traditional Kirby game and managed to make a awesome game. Plus Kirby himself has never been more powerful thanks to his hyper nova power which lets him suck up everything. It also gives some variety to some levels and even some drama near the end of the game. That is what it's #2 on my list.

  • This is one of the few games that got on here thanks to the crazy story it tells since the playable part of this game isn't that interesting. After all how can you not keep playing this to see what happens at the end of Monokuma's game of death. That is why this game is managed to make it all the way to my #3 spot.

  • This may just be a better looking infamous game but it still hits all the things I liked about this series from the beginning. A varied set of super powers and a well told story makes this my #4 game of the year.

  • I've fallen off the Mario Kart ride around the DS game but after hearing all the good things about this one I just couldn't resist picking it up. Turns out they were right since it is a fun yet still challenging racing game. Never knowing what might come next is what makes this game awesome and it is also why it got the #5 spot on this list.

  • Transistor manages to tell a heartbreaking story while being completely vague about everything. This fact could annoy some but I thought it was a unique way to tell a story. Plus the turn based combat gave me a great reason to think out each move instead of just throwing everything I had at a enemy. A unique game that easily got my #6 spot.

  • This falls into the I like weird Japanese games category. On first glance it is a pretty basic beat em up but it also tells a better than you would expect story about the different ninja schools in this game. I could easily see this series fall down into a crude mess at some point but at least for now I think this is worthy of the #7 spot.

  • Do I really need to say anything about SSB other than it's #8 on my GOTY list?

  • This game makes good on what could have been a horrible new Wolfenstein game. The gunplay is just plain fun and it even tells a compelling story. A worthy game that deserves the #9 spot.

  • Destiny is a good game that has a addictive quality to the gameplay that just makes you want to come back for more. That is the main reason this is in my number 10 spot but it is also a great game to play with my friends.