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The Top 10 Games At E3 2016

So I've been surprised by the lack of interesting looking indie this year. In some way I guess it's because the ones we got hyped about are still in development. Cuphead still looks great, Below is going to be a great rogue lite game and No Man's Sky will one day show us the universe. Yet at the same time it is a good thing we've got so many big games that look awesome. So let us look at the 10 games that made me hyped to play them one day.

List items

  • To say that I had big expectations for Zelda before the start of E3 would have been a understatement. Nintendo managed to meet every expectation with a beautiful game with a bunch of new mechanics. Getting dropped directly into Hyrule with very little time spent on tutorials seems like a great intro. I could point out so many different things after that point like Links ability to climb on anything or surfing on the top of a shield. Really this seems like a very dense game. It doesn't hurt that this game also gives me a reason to buy a NX. Thus this easily sets in the top spot because I want to play it right now.

  • has always been the one stop shop for Persona news since 2009. After not seeing much about this game I was glad to see 9 minutes of footage at E3. If only to see how much freaking style this game has. It just oozes it all over the place. Cool to see that shadows can be convinced to join the party again too. So sad that we have to wait till next year to finally play this.

  • This was the only game that returned to this list from last year. Robot dinosaurs made a pretty big impact last time. Now I got to see even more of the game and it looks great. Between the loot drops and the satisfying flow of the combat I can't wait to play this one day.

  • I'm impressed that Sony decided to go in a new direction with God Of War. Kratos getting angry is just old at this point. Now that he is trying to raise a son while keeping his rage in check it seems like he could be a more likable character. The flow of the combat appears to be changed too and it doesn't' hurt that this game looks great visually. Still can't believe I'm excited to play another GoW game.

  • Before seeing some footage of a boss fight I was merely curious about NieR Automata. Now I'm totally on board with what they are selling. The smooth animations and the crazy looking attacks that must be dodged skillfully looks amazing. Maybe I should play NieR again to prepare for this release.

  • The setting and the music really sold me on Mafia III. I remember enjoying The Godfather game from EA and this seems like a more ambitious version of that archetype. It has been a while since I really put some time into a open world game. Looking like that might just break that streak.

  • Everyone knows odd number Tekken games are the best. I got into Tekken with the third game and followed it up with the fifth. Now with this latest one it has brought me in again. The addition of the slow mode at the end of some fights looks cool. Adding in Akuma to the roster is dumb and it is even better that he is apart of the storyline. If the E3 demo is a good indication that they are putting more time into the story I can't wait to see what they end up doing.

  • Something about setting this is Australia has gotten me interested in picking up a Forza Horizon game. Hoping this third one exceeds what they did with the second one which wasn't that great. Adding in off road vehicles might add in variety it needs to remain a compelling game.

  • Now that Titanfall 2 has added a single play campaign they have added the one thing I would need to consider picking it up. New robots and the ever useful grappling hook is just the icing on the cake.

  • I've enjoyed everyone of Quantic Dreams works in one way or another. Do they have bad sections? Yet but I can look past the bad plot and logic leaps to see a well crafted game underneath. So yeah even though I know these games aren't perfect I'll be playing this when it releases.