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The Top 10 Indie/Niche games of E3 2015

The showstopper games at E3 are nice but I enjoy seeing smaller games that get to shine along side the big boys. They might not have been shown off as much but it seems like I've been playing games like this more than anything else lately.

List items

  • The animation may be a little stiff but going by the trailer this is hitting all the right points. With each boss battle having something unique about it sounds cool too.

  • Boss battles the game hasn't had the best track record so far but I"m willing to let it slide for this game. The animation style alone makes me want to check it out.

  • This game looks like a delightfully fun adventure. Really looks like a game that I should play when I want to relax.

  • Why isn't this game out already? Silly anime mixed with a arcade like shooter sounds great to me.

  • This looks like Corpse Party taken to the next level.

  • The farming part seems like it is mostly a side thing but if that is why we are finally get a new PopoloCrois game in the US then I'm okay with that.

  • I've never been into Minecraftish games but for some reason I really want to play this one.

  • I was born the 80's so I don't really have a reason to have nostalgia for that time yet I do. Doesn't hurt that this has a Earthbound vibe too.

  • Using words to figure out puzzles seems like it could be fun.

  • I don't know if this should be on here since I backed it but it's looking pretty good.