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1980 Ranked

Video games in the early 80s sure are a confusing mess to think about

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  • Everyone knows its called Puckman in Japan but they changed it in the US. I think they should've gone hole hog, went all the way. Let me become the fuck-man

  • This game is so classic, we let ourselves forget that it is a game about shooting missiles into other missiles so that you can save the human race

  • Battlezone is not possible to play, you just can't do it. Who can figure it out. But I do want to tattoo all of it onto my whole body. I want to be a Battlezone vector

  • Red Baron uses vector graphics to simulate aerial combat circa WWI. Its the most dissonant 1980 shit ever

  • Bold choice to actually indicate what the onscreen characters look like on the cover art. On the Atari 2600 cover art morality spectrum, Boxing is Lawful Good and Warlords is Lawful Evil.

  • What a demanding title for a video game. Dodge 'Em! Buddy. Listen to me. DODGE. THEM. Or else you'll be in an automobile accident! This is not a feature, it is a real threat!!!

  • Truly what is going on with the cops 'n robbers part? Like what the fuck do you mean? Is one person the cop and the other person the robber? It's just a maze, and you can't catch anyone. The mazes also are not good. They are bad mazes. I am not in a craze about them one way or the other

  • Warlords frightens and confuses me

  • Golf for the Atari 2600 is closer to what mini golf is than the game called Miniature Golf also released for the Atari 2600