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1986 Ranked

The fact that most of the games on this list were marketed towards children is INSANE. Absolutely impossible.

Need to add: Outrun

List items

  • Destroy the sexiest monster with the horniest weapon. The perfect plan

  • 720 is a finicky, bizarre skateboarding game, but *goddamn* is it iconic. Even if the mechanics don't make much sense and the controls are broadly un-intuitive, it's *cool as hell.* If you don't reach a score threshold before the time limit ends, you have to *impress killer bees with your skateboard tricks before they kill you.* Skate or die!

  • It would be really difficult to make a Fantasy Zone-style shoot 'em up today. One of the most important aspects of its design is that it's a carefully paced game about careful planning and positioning, as opposed to the hardcore hand eye coordination skill test that most contemporary shoot 'em ups put the player through. Besides that, the art style in this game is really strong, and demonstrates more visual character than most other titles in the genre.

  • Slalom's got a TASTY ass

  • According the Ganon Canon, this game is about a post apocalypse

  • Ok, sure. "The lost levels." You just couldn't find them. Pretend like you guys didn't make this spiteful bullshit with hate in your heart. Pretend like this isn't the diary, intentionally left open to a rage filled screed directed at the reader

  • This video game literally expected children to take up cartography without any guidance whatsoever

  • Rampage is one more high concept Midway title which gets exactly one mechanic right and just about everything else wrong. Is it fun to punch buildings in Rampage? Sort of, yes! Is the time limit or the monster vs. human combat equally as fun? Or the platforming? Or the dodging of projectiles? No! Not even a little bit! It's *terrible.* This game has a pretty significant legacy in comparison to other arcade titles and I've never understood why.