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  • So much less hateful than the first. Probably the best Mega Man?

  • S.T.U.N. Runner is the most aesthetically cool video game of all time

  • I remember playing this and realizing Mario was fucking around on Princess Peach. Traumatizing

  • I was arrested for Hard Drivin' some years back. I can't really discuss that here

  • Phantasy Star II's in-game art style is (approx.) a quajillion times cooler than this off-brand Neuromancer D&D-ass art.

    I'm just kidding, I like the box art too

  • This one's a real hit with the granddads out there

  • Don't eat that trash roast

  • The Mayor's daughter is kidnapped. Either: A. her boyfriend rescues her (and then dumps her immediately), B. her dad rescues her, or C. her...boyfriend's buddy rescues her...? And then she's like, thanks for doing that, Guy! (not because she's being rude, but because his name is Guy)

  • The world's most horizontally immobile ninja over here

  • What exactly was the idea here? A weird little boy play high stakes Roshambo with townsfolk throughout human history? And he just walks to get there? What the fuck are you talking about?

  • An absolute inverse to S.T.U.N. Runner. The Golden Axe aesthetic should only be utilized in movies about nerds in the '80s and dorky hookah shops. It does NOT belong in my home

  • Arch Rivals is a mediocre basketball game with a *terrible* art style. The best thing I can say about it is that it's historically interesting - the entire concept is that it's Basketball with a more limited ruleset that permits (and encourages!) player's to beat the shit out of each other during play, making it a precursor to the (much better) NBA Jam and NFL Blitz games.

  • Columns has a kind of mind numbing effect. You can feel your soul slowly peel from your body as you play it

  • The branding for this Breakout clone is all over the fucking place