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1990 Ranked

The gulf in technical quality between late era NES, extremely late era Atari, PC/Genesis and arcade games in the early '90s is WEIRD

List items

  • It's one of the most praised games ever made, but for good reason! Super Mario Bros. 3 is, for all intents and purposes, the first capital G Great Nintendo game. Metroid, Mario Land, Zelda, these are all ambitious, era-defining titles, but none of them go beyond the era in which they're made. You can't complete an unassisted playthrough of Metroid or Zelda without being a kid with a lot of spare time in the '80s, as those games are more or less mazes and non-sensical puzzles with very little direction of sign-posting. SMB 3 is timeless, as complete an engaging an expience today as I imagine it was in 1989/1990.

  • There are a lot of loud dumbasses in video games, but Guybrush Threepwood is one of the Good loud dumbasses

  • Mega Man 3 added a slide move and a flying dog to Mega Man's bag of tricks. And it's the last time changes to the formula felt new and meaningful, and not sleepy and inconsequential

  • Race Drivin' has no sense of speed, but MAN do I love the shiny vector-based race car aesthetic

  • I'll add a question mark after every unclear element in Dr. Mario's premise that requires a follow up question. Dr. Mario is a game in which Mario feeds pills (?) to an invisible (??) person (???) to kill (????) fully sentient (?????) microscopic (??????) beings who appear to express pain on contact with the pills (???????), and are making someone or something (???????) sick (????????) towards some unknown end (??????????).

  • Shinobi him again, his shadow's still dancing...

  • Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu allowed me to further commit to my theory that Jackie Chan is always in a good mood

  • Snake Rattle 'n Roll is one of those games where any attempt to process what is happening on-screen in a literal sense will drive you to madness