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StealthRUSH's Top 100 Least Favorite Worst Games

Poorly executed games that do not resonate with me, more or less abysmal titles. Not to be confused with StealthRUSH's Top 100 All-Time Least Favorite Games. All games listed I rank below 1/10 rating to absolute 0/10 in descending order. Software includes bugs, glitches, grainy texture warping, and below average gameplay.

Dishonorable Mentions: Universal Studios Theme Park Adventure, Buck Bumble, Girl Fight, Mace, Doom Trooper, Dragonball: Evolution, Godzilla: Battle Legends, Ultraman, Virtual Lab, Escape from Bug Island, Spirit of Speed 1937, Generations Lost, Drake of the 99 Dragons, Lula The Sexy Empire, Ultraverse Prime, Tomcat Alley, Eliminator, Musya, Battle Blaze, Big Mutha Truckers, Hellboy: Dogs of the Night.

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