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    Rich Gallup

    Person »

    Producer at OtherSide Entertainment, former Producer at Disruptor Beam, former Producer at 38 Studios, and a former Features Producer for GameSpot Live, Rich Gallup is a seasoned veteran of both the video and video game industries.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    148585 Geveeso Person In Bio, corrected current employment from "Otherworld Entertainment" to "OtherSide Entertainment" 02/07/21 02:57PM 1 done
    116474 kraznor Game Added Rich Gallup to Star Trek Timelines credits, just downloaded the game and checked the credits to confirm his involvement 05/28/20 11:52AM 2 done
    33729 deactivated-663a0c8d9c4fc Person The correct name of Rich Gallup's current employer is OtherSide Entertainment, not Otherworld Entertainment. 12/29/18 10:40AM 15 done
    31727 mach_go_go_go Person 12/07/18 02:49PM 2 done
    30721 mach_go_go_go Person Rich is now in charge of cleaning up the Underworld Ascendant mess. 11/29/18 08:14AM 3 done

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