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    Soulcalibur III

    Game » consists of 4 releases. Released Oct 25, 2005

    The tale of Soul Calibur continues in the series's fourth entry, adding a variety of new game modes and features (including an in-depth character creation system).

    turboman's Soul Calibur III (PlayStation 2) review

    Avatar image for turboman

    More of the same

     Soul Calibur III is released the same year Tekken 5 was, and while Tekken 5 was a wonderful sequal, Soul Calibur stabs itself in the foot.

    The gameplay remains the same for the most part. The three characters that are debuting for the game are equaly awesome. They do have different gameplay modes, but none of them are really fun. The story mode is ok, but the cutscenes aren't too rewarding.

    The graphics has been beefed up impressively for the game, the backgrounds are amazingly beutiful, but the models look the same.

    The sound sounds..... the same. The voice acting is better, but not much.

    Value is questionable, if you love the game, you will play it every once in a while for fun, but theres not much there.

    What really brings this game down is no online play... which isn't good. IF there was online play, then the value would boost up really high.

    overall, Soul Calibur III is a decent sequal, but not enough to keep you interested for long.    

    Other reviews for Soul Calibur III (PlayStation 2)

      Great fighting marred by horrible user interface and game modes 0

      Soul Calibur III is one of the most frustrating gaming experiences in recent memory. On one hand, the core fighting is still great, the graphics are simply amazing, and the character customization options are very robust. However, the user interface is abysmal and inconsistent, the gam modes actually get in the way of putting you in combat, there's no online play, and the sound is uneven. That Namco can screw up a proven formula this badly is infuriating and totally inexcusable. Being Soul Cali...

      1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

      Soul Calibur III Review 0

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      0 out of 0 found this review helpful.

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