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    The Godfather II

    Game » consists of 11 releases. Released Apr 07, 2009

    This open-world crime sequel follows the events of the second film and attempts to make you act like a mobster and think like a Don in the Godfather universe.

    altered_confusion's The Godfather II (PlayStation 3) review

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    Godfather 2 Review

    Godfather 2 is the sequel the the game of the same name minus the number, based on the movie franchise. You will be heading up the organization trying to take out the competition while at the same time make sure your pockets are lined with money. As the game goes on you'll be able to add to your crew to make your organization stronger, and your ability to take out the opposition, easier.

    Godfather 2 looks a bit better than the first Godfather, but if you look real close you'll notice that almost everyone you can recruit and everyone who is walking the streets all look rather similar. Another thing is the lacking shine to the car models, it almost looks like they were an afterthought in the game. 

    Music wise you're going to get what you'd get straight from the movie, sure there's some slightly different stuff in the game, but it all goes back to the movies. On the voice acting side if you're not a main character your voice is going to be recycled, just like the character models. 

    The controls for the most part feel about right in this game. There are a couple of times where after concealing your weapon trying to reveal it doesn't go as planned. There are also times where you are trying to lock on to a target but the controls keeps locking on a dead enemy. Ironically enough the driving controls feel like they had some thought to them, though don't try anything too tricky with the cars.

    So you become the Don of the organization and are in charge of bringing back power to the family in New York. You'll be getting to see some sightseeing as once the family or families in the area are removed you'll be asked to do bigger and better things. You'll be able to recruit men of specific talents to help you take control of businesses, crack safes, blow up walls, intimidate witnesses, cut the power, and heal fallen allies. You'll be given primary quests, and you'll also be able to pick up quest from people walking the streets. You'll get an idea of what type of quest you're looking at by the icon over the person's head. This game seems like there's a lot to it to begin with, but it really boils down to this. Take over each business, once you own all of a family's businesses you can attack the Don of that organization. Take him out and blow up his house to knock that family off the map. If you focus on doing just that with just a few primary quest you can fly through sections of this game. The promoting your recruits seems like a nice feature, they can gain another specialty when they are promoted, but its almost not necessary as if you attack quick enough you can take over a town without breaking a sweat. Sure there's corrupt construction workers, cops, medical staff, and politicians, but to be honest you really don't have to mess with them to beat the game. They are more like insurance policies if you want to try to get deep into the story.

    This game has a lot of loopholes and if you continuously exploit them you'll find that you'll be hungering for the real game, which isn't quite there. Sorry to say this sequel doesn't live up to what it needed to be. This game gets a 5.3 out of 10.

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