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    Game » consists of 13 releases. Released Nov 18, 2012

    A first-person survival horror game set in London during a modern-day zombie apocalypse. As a launch title for the Wii U, it features extensive use of the system's GamePad.

    riostarwind's Zombi (PlayStation 4) review

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    Zombi lost something more than just a U

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    The safe house is the place where the player stores items. This is also where you can fast travel to other locations.
    The safe house is the place where the player stores items. This is also where you can fast travel to other locations.

    The transition from the Wii U to other platforms makes this title lose some of its charm. The base game is still good and the setting is unique for a horror game. As the game opens up it turns out you are a survivor of a Zombie outbreak and a mysterious stranger called the Prepper has decided to aid you. After guiding you back to the safe house he gives you a cricket bat and tells you to go out and scavenge items that'll be useful for your survival. Many weapons will be collected while exploring London but none are as effective as the first weapon. The cricket bat is the best weapon for any situation in this game other than explosive zombies. After mastering it the player will never get hit again. Guns are also scattered throughout the world as well but ammo is so scarce that I rarely had a reason to use them.

    The survival aspects of this game is where it really shines. Like survival horror games in the past you will have a limited amount of items that must be used wisely or the survivor will die. Especially early on since the game starts you off with nothing. Exploring London can built up a lot of tension if all you've got is a energy drink and a bat. Battling zombies is fairly simple since the player can wack them on the head or shoot them with a gun. Knowing when to bring out the big guns will be key to never losing a survivor.

    This definitely still looks like a older game. Also it is key to aim for the head when using firearms.
    This definitely still looks like a older game. Also it is key to aim for the head when using firearms.

    They may have updated it a bit but the look of the game is still dated. You can tell it was originally on a Wii U. The sections that I assume used to be on a gamepad are now shown on the main screen. This also means that some of the nice touches of using the Wii U pad are lost. Like having to look down to see your inventory or pick a lock. Which makes the game lose some tension since having to look away from the screen left you open to surprise attacks from zombies. Along with all of that the story is disjointed and the final twist just left me feeling like they didn't earn it. Plus the ps4 port crashed on me three times while playing through it as well.

    The enjoyment you'll find from this game is overcoming the odds since everything in this game is stacked against the player. Eventually beating those odds is satisfying and could give you a reason to try the game on survival difficulty. Overall if you enjoy classic survival horror games like Resident Evil then this is the game for you.

    Other reviews for Zombi (PlayStation 4)

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