Trails of Cold Steel III Demo

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#1  Edited By Bowl-of-Lentils
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NIS America recently released a demo for Trails of Cold Steel III that contains the first two hours of the game, with your save able to be transferred the final game. I played through the demo and was pretty impressed by it. A little over two years ago I played through the first two Cold Steel games and enjoyed them quite a bit. While the games were very slow paced, I grew attached to its world and characters so it was nice to finally return to the series after so long. Just hearing the characters talk again in English was a treat but the title is also a nice graphical improvement over the past titles. While still not as technically impressive as titles with bigger budgets, character models look a lot more detailed now and there are almost no loading times with battles starting instantaneously when you engage an enemy (a huge difference from my experience playing the Vita versions of I and II). Gameplay wise there seems to be some interesting additions, such as Brave Orders, that look like they'll mix things up in a fun way but I was only able to scratch the surface of these new systems in the demo. And, even though the demo is only a small portion of the whole game, Cold Steel III's localization seems to be very solid so far. Some fans were really worried about the game's translation quality since NISA is publishing the game this time around instead of XSEED but after playing this demo I feel pretty confident the final game will be fine. Anyway, looking forward to playing the full game on October 22nd.

Has anyone else played the demo and are you planning to play the game in October?

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I was always gonna buy this day one so the demo was not really necessary to convince me of anything but I will say that I'm super glad that this game also has the Speed Up features that the PC (and PS4?) ports have.

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#3  Edited By cettu

I was actually just wondering how long this thing was, so thanks for the information!

Also grabbing the full game day one, but the demo will help tide me over this final month of waiting.

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It was a solid demo, I regretp laying it because now It will be unbearable to wait.

I was impressed by the UI though, I never played CS1/2 on PS4 so im not sure if the same there, bu the way the menus work in battles is just great, and the new Break system is interesting.

Just a PSA for anyone planning on playing it, make sure to save before the final boss of the prologue if you care about trophies, the save transfers over but you cant get trophies in the demo (and theres one for beating that boss)

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I'll probably wait until the game is almost out and then play the demo as kind of an early access. Although I'm looking forward to playing it, I'm not overly anxious about doing so asap, so I'm fine leaving it that way for now.

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I'm about halfway through replaying 2 on PS4 so I should be finished just in time to not worry about the demo and immediately jump into the full game.

This is the most excited I've been for a new game in a long time.

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It looks like the new better translation project of Zero is almost done as well. Could be a good next few months for the series.

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@efesell: Yeah, the Geofront translation for Zero finished its first editing pass recently. It might still be a while till the patch is released but they are getting close. I played through Zero recently with the translation that is currently available and while I still enjoyed it a lot I would recommend people wait for Geofront's patch, useless you want to play it as soon as possible.