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Hey I wrote a review for an old game! Video review maybe someday?

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Eder's game collection: Xbox edition

Theres a weird charm now to the old Xbox. Back then it was the underdog of the console race and now its a houshold name pretty much.

I need to get a duke controller those things are massive and are very collectible.

List items

  • I never played any of the old ones even though Sega fans swear by them. This one is not bad its just an average goofy platformer.

  • Oh god, why? The worst thing about this god awful game is not what you see and might guess from the cover, not even the gameplay. The absolute worst thing about this stinker is the story. I know Sonic games aren't shakespeare but man this one really was a load of crap.

  • It's no surprise I'm a huge Sonic nut and back in the day. I would look up every bit of info I could find before the game came out. This is the last game I did it for not because it was bad but because every game after this just didn't seem like they tried.

  • We really didn't need a sequel but we got one and it is cool I guess. The surprise villain was a good twist near the end I liked that.

  • Fantastic story and gameplay

  • I just had to get everything Sega was making back in the day. Well little did I know just because it had the logo on the box didn't mean they develop the game. This game is hard as hell.

  • I played the crap out of the online in this one with friends. The story did suck but that didn't matter we all knew there was gonna be a 3rd one.

  • The grand daddy of them all. Introduced me to LAN parties.

  • Loved the first one and this one just made everything better.

  • It has all the content from 1 and 2 plus new other stuff so it technically is the best in the series.

  • Not exactly the first game you expect on this list but it was the reason I got mine. After the demise of the Dreamcast we Sega fans found a new home here on the Xbox. Sure there were great games for the other systems but Microsoft backed Sega for a while when they started. I just wish the story for this game got finished somehow even if its not a game.

  • PSO with splitscreen was really a ton of fun with my brother.

  • My first and only game in the series. Its cool but the presentation is a bit weird.

  • Don't know why I ended up with an Xbox copy since I had a PS2 one and of course plays better on that since the Dpad is better on the PS2. Still a damn good game if you like Tony Hawk style games and Inline skates.

  • After the masterpiece that was Rayman 2 I had to get this. It's a fun platformer but with Jak and Daxter and Ratchet being the top platformers at the time its clear this game was influenced by those games and their combat focus gameplay.

  • I would feel bad for buying this used back in the day but I don't since I don't think Tim Schafer is a good person. How the hell do you make so much money on Kickstarter and not deliver!? So many people like me are trying to get some game development done on the side with a full time job and you can't get a game done with 4x the money you asked for? Thats just ass dude. Anyways the game is cool I like it. 9/10 like the box says.

  • I'm sure this game killed all hope for a Streets of Rage game. One of the worst games I've ever played.

  • Lots of great Sonic games in one place.