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My 2015 Top 10

I was very busy this year, often working seven days a week. My game time was limited, so a few things to note:

2015 Honourable Mentions:

Mortal Kombat X

Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D

Things not from 2015 that I played (and loved) in 2015:

Tomb Raider

Shovel Knight

Things that I started playing or didn't play at all in 2015 that I really wanted to:

Rebel Galaxy



Life Is Strange

Her Story

Rise of the Tomb Raider

Galak-Z: The Dimensional

Tales from the Borderlands


Whew! With that out of the way, bring on the list!

List items

  • If this game had been a Wii U launch title, I strongly believe the story of that console would be very VERY different. There are so many "games" in this game. Playing friends' courses is a game. 100 Mario Challenge is a game. Building levels is a game, as is testing them, as is streaming them, as is watching other people play them. SMM is the best thing that happened in gaming this year, nothing else came close. I will play this forever.

  • I play multiplayer stuff primarily on Xbox since that's where most of my friends are. But Rocket League alone ensured that I pick up a PS+ subscription. Everything has already been said about how sublimely it plays, so I'll be concise - I don't like soccer games. I don't like car games. I fucking LOVE Rocket League.

  • I fear that this will be forgotten from a ton of end-of-year lists. It's a shame, because this game consumed me. Deep gameplay with a perfect learning curve, fantastic (I'm listening to it as I write this list) soundtrack, gorgeous minimalist art style, tons of personality. An absolute gem.

  • If not for six of my friends picking this up I'd not have played Battlefront. Luckily, it's STAR WARS AS FUCK and has been responsible for dozens of "xbox record that" moments over the hours I've put in. It's not the deepest shooter out there, but I simply can't deny that some of the best fun I've had this year has been teaming up with a bunch of mates and turning (the forest moon of) Endor into a laser-scarred battlefield.

  • This one burned fast and bright for me. Local multiplayer madness at its best, twitter bombs and all.

  • In much the same way I haven't finished Spelunky, I haven't finished Downwell. That is to say I will probably never finish Downwell. I will however continue to chase the endless combo chain dragon for many months to come.

  • Halo hasn't felt as relevant as this in a long time. 60fps and some great movement options do a ton to modernise and refine Halo's untouchable gameplay foundation. The campaign was fantastic despite a couple of minor quibbles, and I still haven't dived into multiplayer yet due to my current Battlefront situation. I'll be playing this well into 2016.

  • I thought about putting Hitman GO in this place, but Lara Croft GO surprised me in a couple of ways. For one, I was eager to dive into this right after 100-percenting Hitman. For two, I 100-percented this also. A fantastic refinement of Hitman's solid turn-based gameplay with a refreshing aesthetic and a gentler difficulty curve. I'd play the hell out of more of these!

  • I am nowhere near done with this game. I haven't even made it out of Afghanistan. I am yet to meet Quiet. I hear the story falls apart. The FOB / MB coin / online stuff largely sucks. Konami sucks. I don't care. This game makes the list. It's too damn good.

  • This game slowly got under my skin and left me rattled, though the ending could have reined things in a little. The Beginner's Guide made me question why I make and consume the things that I do, and I'm glad I experienced it.