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  • jetmet posted a message in the forum topic The Community Spotlight 2021.12.04. on the General Discussion board

    woah I made the community spotlight? wild

  • jetmet followed Gaiden the Ring .
  • jetmet followed Mass Alex .
  • jetmet posted a message on the post Warframe and Wine (03/06/2020).

    @sizzlerxanadu: business dave

  • jetmet posted a message on the post 01/10/2020.

    anyone know the name of the song at 18:30?

  • jetmet posted a message on the post WWE 2K20.

    for people asking why there were 5 people on the ql probably dont understand what this ql was for. not to look at the game but to have a comedic set of 5 people taking digs at a broken video game. As ...

  • jetmet posted a message on the post WWE 2K20.

    is mike mahardy joining GB? he is getting into a lot of features recently.

  • jetmet followed We Talk Over the E3 2019 Ubisoft Conference .
  • jetmet posted a message on the post Breakfast 'N' Ben - 04/17/19.

    ben is so bad but its still quality content