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Unnecessary or Poorly handled sequels

Creating the next step in a gaming francise is no easy task. Some will go the easy path by not changing much while adding minor things to gameplay. While other games will completely change the style of the game to a point out how its connected to the last title.

There are games out there that do this well, these are not those games.

But if you happen to like the games on this list. Know that this is a personal list, so please don't take any of the games to heart if its one of your favorites.

List items

  • At this point of the francise, assassin's creed had become a well known game. So to clear the for a new ancestor the developers had to cap off the story for Ezio and Altair.

    They cap it off, but you don't feel any better. The entire game follows the last, somewhat important, Tale of ezio as he tries to help a group of assassins in istanbul deal with some templar while looking for the memories of altair. While this is all going on dezmond is stuck inside the adimus in some sort of limbo generated by the machine itself. Leaving him with only option to find out what happened to his two ancestors.

    The whole story feels unessary. Even though its a plot to what happend to the two ancestors, neither of there stories feel that important. Ezio has become a master assassin and by the end of the game he's relegated to sending a message to dezmond. Then there are the short stories with altair that feel greatly undefdeveloped and in some cases poorly acted. We even get a bit of insight into dezmonds history, only revealing that he's a little whiny brat who ran from home because he doesnt want be an assassin.

    In game play they added a weird hook blade, that doesn't really add much to combat. Also the inclusion of an optional RTS Mini-game, which isnt terrible, but probably would have been better off if they never included to begin with.

    Plenty of fans were over hyped by the trailer. On the bright side this did introduce a lot of people to Woodkid.

  • Let's make a game about CARD GAMES!

    Somewhat had to say that while making this game. Because why else would someone purposely add a new system when it already decent.

    The whole thing felt tacked on, just handing a deck to sora and letting him play 21 pick up against the heartless.

    They also used this game as a good time to introduce Organization XII were in half of the group is killed off in this game leaving all the PS2 to wonder why would someone call themselves organization XII when there are only 7 members?

    It also feels lazy in the plot department when your just retreading the same story from the last game but abridged.

  • Its takes special kind of oddity to make an whole francise do a 180 and make a platformer into a Build your own cart racer. Granted the graphics are pretty and you can be pretty creative with the cart design. But its such a odd choice of change for banjo-kazooie, that i'm not surprised the only thing Rare in the past couple of years is Xbox avatar costumes.