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Consoles/Handhelds I've Owned

A timeline of my life defined by hardware. Woah.

List items

  • (1982) I acquired it in 1994 as a gift from my uncle.

  • (1995) I acquired it in 1996 as a birthday present from my dad. He bought it from Wal-Mart and when we opened up the box, the disc drive was full of sand. He took it back and demanded an exchange - they thought he was trying to pull a fast one on them. It took over 2 hours to finish the return and buy a legit PS1 but that my party had already when he returned. Poor guy. My dad is awesome.

  • (1998) I acquired it in 1998. Schoolyard Pokemon battles, yo!

  • (1999) I acquired it in 2000. I really enjoyed my time with this guy and his little buddy, the VMU memory card. I was so pissed when I heard about its death, I sold it to an asshole friend for his used PS2 games. Damn.

  • (2000) I acquired it in 2001. This ended up being my favorite system ever mainly because it was with me through those awkward/awesome high school years. My DVD collection became a make-shift video rental store in college and I actually met some good friends because of this.

  • (2001) I acquired both the regular GBA in 2001 and the GBA:SP in 2003. The SP version traveled with me to Japan and was the best handheld ever.

  • (2001) I acquired it in 2003. This system deserved better - it was really great.

  • (2004) I acquired it in 2005. I still have the original launch system. Durable, my DS has traveled to Mexico, South Africa, Mozambique, Italy, Germany, and the Czech Republic.

  • (2005) I acquired it in 2010. Dissuaded by red ring nonsense, it took a while for me to get a hold of this system. Once I finally did, it became my go-to console until...

  • (2006) Acquired Christmas 2012. If only the original and subsequent SKUs had gotten to a point where I could feel comfortable slapping down my debit card earlier...

  • (2006) I acquired it in 2007. A system that made sense for a college apartment.

  • (2008) Acquired 2009. Only one game has gotten me to spend money: Game Dev Story. That game ate up two days of my life.

  • (2011) iPad 2. Acquired in 2014.

  • (2011) Acquired in 2013. Bought the XL.

  • (2012) Acquired in 2014.

  • (2013) Acquired in 2014.