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Average score of 5 user reviews

This game is not for shabazos 0

Kenka Bancho: Badass Rumble is an open world action game that places you in the word of Japanese high school delinquents known as Yankiis (Japanese for Yankees). The game mainly focuses on dudes known as banchos. What is a bancho, you ask? Well, I believe the official site for this game explains it best:“Raw badass, distilled to its purest form, wrapped in a hard sweetdiculousness shell and smothered with awesomesauce. Stupid jokes about ‘80s karate cowboy actors and overmuscled baldies with voi...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.

Has everything you’d want in a survival horror game 0

The spooky deep-space spaceship genre sci-fi horror theme is a niche one in which only a few movie studios have decided to take a crack at.  Event Horizon and Pandorum are two movies that come to mind.  Now, EA wants to get involved in it, but wants to tell its story through the newer entertainment media known as the video game.  If you are a fan of those types of movies, this game should definitely get you excited, because you can now experience the story, but now with an active approach, as op...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A strong title in which anyone with a PS3 should consider playing 0

Konami’s highly anticipated stealth game, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, had a very large obligation to fulfill.  For one, it needed to introduce a new audience to the universe, but while at the same time, keeping faithful fans of the franchise pleased with what they’ve become accustomed to from past releases.  Meaning, it had to keep with its traditions, but also needed to expand on it in a way -- more specifically, in terms of gameplay -- that goes beyond the traditional ways of wha...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

A great installment for the series 0

Silent Hill: Origins is a game that will most likely not disappoint fans of the franchise.  It’s great for both fans and new comers to the series.Silent Hill: Origins is a prequel to the franchise.  Its timeframe will cover some of the events that were described during the original Silent Hill game.  This is great for fans because it will answer some of those questions that were plaguing one of the series’ storylines.  The gameplay is very similar to the original Playstation game, but with a few...

2 out of 2 found this review helpful.

It’s perfectly described as: “Bigger. Better. Faster." 0

Zone of the Enders: The 2nd Runner is the franchises third game and delivers a nice change of pace compared to the original. Every aspect of the game was improved upon and had a highly polished feel to it. Cut scenes were very well executed and Kojima's unique style was defiantly noticed.If it's been a while, or if you've never played the first game, this one includes an excellent recap of what happened during the original. This is great because the story continues on in this installment.The com...

1 out of 1 found this review helpful.