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A Zombies Mode Will Probably Be In Call of Duty: Black Ops

You didn't think the game would be all business, right?

Remote controlled cars and zombies feels like a match made in heaven. But while we're unsure if you'll be able to use one against the other in Black Ops, it's apparent that both will be included in this next Call of Duty game.
In Best Buy's product features listing for the Hardened version of Black Ops, the retailer states that the four co-op maps included in the package will be "zombie maps" stripped from World at War. The Hardened version will also include a steel casing, a PSN "Woods" theme, and a Black Ops medal. But, I suppose none of that is as stimulating as the living dead, though.

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A retailer isn't the best source of information regarding a game's content, but the inclusion of zombies in Black Ops is a natural and predictable move. The zombie mode in World at War was a huge hit with fans, and Treyarch, the developer of World at War and creator of its zombie mode, is at the helm of Black Ops.

Keep in mind that Activision has yet to come out and confirm the authenticity of this listing. Plus, we may be looking at different zombies here. Unless Black Ops' multiplayer is based in a singularity, Nazis shouldn't be around. On the other hand, a good horde of Max Brooks'-style zombies can live underwater forever and randomly pop up as they please. At this point, I guess I should also note that these are just "zombie maps." It doesn't seem likely, but I suppose they could be used for something without zombies.