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Alien Breed 2: Assault Blasting Its Way To PC and 360 Soon

Will offer new "survival" modes, bosses, guns, and "set-piece" battles.

Alien Breed 2: Assault, a second title in the revitalized series of shooters based on the Amiga classic, is hitting Steam and Xbox Live Arcade this September 22, game creator Team17 Software announced this morning. This not-so-surprise unveil confirms a recent ESRB leak that pegged the game's name and Team17's intent, but didn't dispense precious details.

As with Assault's most recent predecessor, Alien Breed: Impact, you'll be in control of the gun-toting Conrad as he fights his way through a futuristic spacecraft. But in an ultimate example of "running around in circles," you'll be guiding Conrad back through his ship the Leopold--the same ship you had to get him off of in Impact--in a fresh attempt to restart the machine's engines and get out of alien dodge. 

As you might expect from a frantic arcade shooter like Alien Breed, the Leopold won't be filled with lollipops and clouds. It's innards will be filled with "wave after wave" of aliens to kill, according to the game's press release, a document which also made mention of new weapons to the series.

Assault will offer a campaign, co-op battles, and a new mode called "Survivor,"  which is a simple mode that has you (or you and friends) fighting off endless waves of enemies in an attempt to post the highest scores possible. 

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== TEASER ==Design head of Alien Breed 2, John Dennis, had this to say in a statement, shedding some light on the game's new features:

As the second adventure in the Alien Breed trilogy, we’re really happy with how much ‘Assault’ adds to an already strong gameplay formula. We've got some awesomely destructive new weapons to purchase and upgrade, monstrous new boss battles, and some really exciting set-pieces.

Add to this our brand-new "Survivor" Mode, which pits players against relentless waves of enemies in either single-player or two-player co-op, and the stress-inducing, claustrophobic experience of moving ever deeper into a space station infested with blood-thirsty aliens, and you get a very strong offering that we hope will please both Alien Breed fans and players new to the game alike.

A PS3 version of the title is coming as well, according to a recent tweet by the studio's official Twitter account. No release date was provided for that specific version, and as of now, no price has been announced for any version of Assault.