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Giant Bomb News


Drew's Top 10 Next Endurance Run Candidates

IF we ever finish Persona 4, we're going to need something else to play.

As a video producer here at Giant Bomb, specifically the one who hits "Start" and "Stop" on the Endurance Runs, I like to think I have a keen eye for what makes good web entertainment.  When (if?) Vinny and Jeff finish Persona 4, we'll need a game that can live up to the high bar P4 has set.  Here are some games we're considering.

10. Peggle

9. Noby Noby Boy

8. Battletoads

7. Madden NFL 09

6. Korg DS-10

5. Halo 3 Multiplayer

4. Rumble Massage

3. EVE Online

2. Desert Bus

1. SpeedTree

Drew Scanlon on Google+