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Fry Some Ewoks In The Force Unleashed II DLC

Later this year, you'll be able to give those mutated teddy bears a taste of the dark side.

IGN has the scoop on the first bit of paid DLC for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. Due for release "later this year," the unnamed content will have you taking the fight to the Ewoks on Endor during Return of the Jedi

Keep those eyebrows down, sirs. Much like the DLC Hoth mission in the original Force Unleashed, this content takes place in an alternate version of the Star Wars timeline, which allows for this kind of main storyline betrayal. Do take note though that even though this content takes place in bizarro world, Starkiller will have powers similar to the ones he possesses in the core game. 

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LucasArts Singapore's Gio Corsi says this content will be about as long as the other bits of downloadable content for the original game. And like those paid downloads, this content will feature achievements and trophies as well.

No word on price just yet, but I'd imagine we'll hear more about this rather soon.