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Giant Bomb News


Fun Stats Of Community Reviews On GB

Ever wonder the average score of reviews coming from our community? Ben Medler used our API to find out.

I was ego surfing Giant Bomb on twitter a couple minutes ago and came across some cool graphs that Ben Medler, a Georgia-Tech PhD student, made with the site's  user review data. Using our API services he's come up with summaries of everything from average scores of prolific writers to which games get reviewed the most, but scored the worst. Apparently the answer to that last question is Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

I won't get preachy on my soapbox again but this is just another example of why it's important for community sites like ours to open up their data. Data shouldn't be locked in black-boxes only usable by a select few. You guys have just as many cool ideas for it as we do. It's nice to see it in action.

In any case, we love spot-lighting our users' work so if you're working on anything fun with our API please let us know by email if you need any help. Our engineering mastermind Andy is constantly updating it to include more and more filters, toggles, sorts and thingamabobs.

Make sure to check out Ben's blog for more cool graphs.

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Dave Snider on Google+