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Giant Bomb News


Microsoft Wants A Few Kinect Beta Testers

Check your email.

That email from Microsoft Connect re: "Xbox Live and Kinect Beta Program" might not be clever spam. According to separate reports from Joystiq and Kotaku, Microsoft is indeed planning to give a select amount of Xbox 360 owners an early look at Kinect and accompanying Xbox 360 dashboard updates. 

Don't get too excited; the details on how this beta program works are still in the air. But the current crop of invitations being sent note that, at some point in the future, recipients of said invitation will receive "a unique opportunity to see pre-release software." If that means you'll be asked to head over to your local K-Mart or Sears, or be sent a device, is beyond us at the moment. 

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As Joystiq notes in its report, Microsoft has used Connect to send waves of invitations for 360-specific betas in the past. You may remember the scramble for pre-release NXE access, which was tied to answering a Connect-side questionnaire. It's uncertain if there is actually a connection between previously Connect-plucked testers or a newer or past questionnaire, but apparently you'll have to fill out another application if you do get the above email.

If you've received one of these emails, or even a follow-up email with more details on how this beta program works, let us know! And if you think you should have been invited, scan that spam inbox. You never know.