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Giant Bomb News


Milo (And Kate) Appears at TEDGlobal

Lionhead's mysterious young boy makes his first appearance since 2009.

Milo isn't dead, but the snail the little digital boy splattered this afternoon at the TEDGlobal 2010 conference sure as hell is.

After a mini-PR campaign launched by Microsoft revealed that Lionhead Studios is still developing the Milo project, the Kinect-controlled simulation has now had its first public demonstration since E3 2009

At TED, Peter Molyneux took the stage and allowed a demonstrator to show off the curious title for those in attendance. According to Wired UK's coverage, a few different scenes were shown, one being the inside of a house, where the demonstrator had Milo clean up his bedroom. Another was outside by a pond, where the player was asked to teach the boy how to skip stones. The best one, of course, was outside in an area with snails, where the aforementioned murder of mollusks occurred.

 Kill the bucket, Milo. Kill it.
 Kill the bucket, Milo. Kill it.

== TEASER ==Molyneux said no one's Milo will be the same. Mine will certainly be different. I can't wait to teach my Milo how to dispose of bodies, operate by a strict code, and lead a double life in a posh Miami flat. (It all starts with this kind of innocent snail-smashing stuff, you know.)

As Joystiq points out, a more traditional narrative structure for Milo--which is now being called properly Milo and Kate--was also revealed during the demonstration. The game will revolve around a Milo who has just moved and wants to explore his new surroundings. You'll be in charge of assisting him and, if you want, turning his digital boy brain to mush.

Oh, and speaking of Milo's brain? Apparently, it'll be stored in a cloud of some sort. I'm pretty sure this is how Judgment Day starts. Or Mad Max. I forgot which.