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Giant Bomb News


PlayStation Plus Subscribers To Get Cloud Saves Tomorrow

Are you ready for the future? It's in the cloud!

PSN will be experiencing a whopping eleven hours of downtime starting earlier today, and for good reason: Sony’s very own Top Men are preparing the service for the arrival of that long-awaited--and once-fabled--PlayStation Plus feature, cloud-based saves.

Starting tomorrow, all  PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to get 150MBs worth of cloud space to spend on up to 1,000 save files. Even “copy-prohibited” save data will be supported with this new service. The catch is that save data can only “be restored once per 24-hour period.” Also, a PS blog posting mentions that "most," not all, games will be compatible with online saves.

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== TEASER ==As you’d suspect, online storage will be accessed through the XMB once you've updated to the latest firmware that this feature comes bundled with. Also, you’ll be able to monitor how much data you’ve got in the air via a feature in the updated info bar.

If you want this feature, you’ll need to cough up the $50 dollars for a yearly subscription, or the $18 for a three-month subscription. PSN Plus will also give you “exclusive” access to demos and (arguably its most standout feature) free game downloads.

Anyone eager to save their stuff in the cloud?