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Giant Bomb News


Someone, Somewhere Says "Call of Duty 7"

Treyarch animator mentions COD7 on a social network profile page, and the crowd goes wild.

After a seven-kill streak you can create a black hole and automatically win the round.
After a seven-kill streak you can create a black hole and automatically win the round.
It sort of blows me away that people working on sensitive or unannounced projects still manage to let information slip in full public view. I mean, the Internet has been all Web 2.0'd up for awhile now, and there has been no shortage of people doing dumb things on the Internet that end up costing them their job or end up spoiling an unannounced product. But it still happens.

Today's case, the LinkedIn profile for David Kim, has already been cleaned up. But yesterday it said "I am currently on my second title as a senior animator in the games industry with Activision / Treyarch on Call Of Duty 7." Naturally, this touched off a flurry of stories from everyone with an interest in this sort of thing. Treyarch, meanwhile, is pretty much exclusively focused on a second map pack for its last release, Call of Duty: World at War.

Of course, the notion that there might be a seventh Call of Duty game isn't really much of a surprise, and it's also not a real shocker that Treyarch would be handling the development duties, either. Let's go out on a limb here and speculate... I think it'll come out in 2010 and will be based on the Modern Warfare 2 engine. And it will have guns in it. And it will probably be told from multiple perspectives. Multiplayer will be something of a focus. And it'll take place in space.

Oh, and Call of Duty 8 will actually be an accurate port of Strawberry Shortcake Musical Match-Ups. You heard it here first.
Jeff Gerstmann on Google+