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Giant Bomb News


Square Enix's Gun Loco Set To Be An Xbox 360 Exclusive Shooter

Duck, dive, and roll as a weird bunny man with some wicked tats.

Earlier yesterday morning, Square Enix announced Gun Loco, an Xbox 360 exclusive that seeks to break out of the third-person shooter mold with an "all-new" approach to mechanics. It's also a title that'll inevitably be licensed to a certain toy maker. The surreal, misshapen, and twisted characters in Gun Loco are the fruits of toy designer Kenny Wong's imagination. Wong, most notably, is the co-creator of brothersfree and the founder of two toy-related companies. He's probably already pumping some Gun Loco molds out, in other words.

Square Enix says Gun Loco will be a third-person "sprint-action" shooter with a focus on environmental interaction. I suppose this is where the "all-new" approach stuff comes in. As a criminal on one of the remotest planets in the game's universe, you'll be asked to duck, dive, vault, and otherwise use the game's environment--in addition to your own bullet-based weapons and kill grapple moves--to take down pursuers and quarry alike in a quest for survival. In a way, Gun Loco sounds like an intergalactic The Running Man, except with men dressed as bunnies and whatnot instead of hockey stars. That's kinda neat, I think.

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Gun Loco features an obvious over-the-top visual style, a touch of "black comedy," and is poised to release with a full range of competitive modes that'll support up to 12 players. Square Enix hasn't nailed down the exact release date just yet, but it does expect Gun Loco to ship in 2011.     
If you weren't already sold on how bent this game is by that insane bunny man above, feel free to check out the following screenshots. There's plenty of weird to go around.