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Giant Bomb News


Steam Weekend Deal: Orange Box, 10 Bucks

OK, you REALLY have no excuse for missing this game now.

For the five of you who didn't already sink your teeth into the ridiculous value of Valve's comprehensive masterwork The Orange Box, I say: Get thee to Steam. There, the package--including Half-Life 2 and its first two episodic expansions, Team Fortress 2, and the sublime Portal--is 66 percent off its regular price. As an example, Valve points out that in the U.S., this sale brings the price down to an uncomfortably low $9.99. That's five full, excellent games for less than an evening movie ticket in a lot of places. 

Maybe you should just go buy a second copy and gift it to someone. How can you afford to miss out on shenanigans like these?

Death from above with the new pyro axe
Death from above with the new pyro axe
Brad Shoemaker on Google+