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Giant Bomb News


Wait, Really? Rock Band 3 To Support A Keytar?

Maybe it won't need more cowbell after all.

 Also of note to all you harmonizers out there--there are three mics in that logo.
 Also of note to all you harmonizers out there--there are three mics in that logo.

Ars Technica's "mole"--a solid secret informer who has often slipped out good information ahead of proper announcements--has informed Ars that Rock Band 3 will support an instrument with keys, but it won't be a keyboard as the Rock Band 3 logo screen buried within the Rock Band: Green Day demo seemingly teased. Think keytar, the digital shredder of choice for any proper glam metal band. 

The mole also pointed out that Mad Catz would be the sole company behind the manufacture of the instruments alongside the rest of the game's plastic necessities, as previous reports implied. In an interesting twist, though, the guitar might get some sort of realistic boost; the mole told Ars that Rock Band 3 will ship with a "pro" mode that somehow teaches users how to play the real thing, which seemingly indicates that the Mad Catz hardware might be more lifelike.  

Take this with a grain of salt, regardless of the mole's reliability. MTV and Harmonix are remaining silent, and as of yesterday's report, are encouraging us to "stay tuned" for Rock Band 3 announcements at E3. I think I might just do that. You know, pay attention to E3. I heard that was a big thing.