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    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    Game » consists of 23 releases. Released Nov 05, 2007

    The fourth main Call of Duty game ditches the World War II setting of the past games to tell a story set in contemporary times, and backs it up with a breakthrough multiplayer mode.

    mordok44's Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (Xbox 360) review

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    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Review

    Past Call of Duty games were set in World War 2 and often reacted the invasion of Normandy or the liberation of Europe. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare leaves the World War 2 era and blasts to modern times. Call of Duty 4 is a modern day first person shooter set in the middle east and Russia. Its currently the fourth installment of the Call of Duty series and lives up to the name brand. This game was in development for two years before its release date on the Xbox 360, Playstation 3, and PC.

    Story Line:

    The story line in this game is fictional but one would not recognize this if he was not in tune with modern news. This story line revolves around the United States, Russia, and the United Kingdom. A civil war has been torn in Russia by Russian ultra nationalists and they have used there power to stage a coup in the middle east. This story line is told in two perspectives but both relate to the main objective. The player will have the ability to play as a United States Marine and a British SAS.

    During the campaign you will overlap between the two characters you play. An example of this is the first level you play as a British SAS soldier and then the next level you will continue the storyline of a United States Marine. Infinity Ward did an amazing job with the transition of these two storyline into one. During game play the player will feel entangled in its storyline and unable to stop playing. To complete the campaigns in Call of Duty 4 one must follow a set of objectives and complete them. Upon doing so you will unlock other objectives and complete the map. A great feature in this storyline is the fact that the player will feel like they are in one big world, and not separate maps. Infinity Ward did an amazing job with this.

    Give or take this storyline will take around 8-10 hours to complete, depending on the gamer. Although the story line is short its packed with a ridiculous amount of game play and fun. Not once during the Campaign did I feel the need to stop playing because I was bored. You will constantly be doing something and its great story line will overshadow its length.


    The main reason why most people bought this game was to play its extremely immersible multilayer. Whether it be on Xbox Live, PC, or Playstation Network, the Online portion of this game is really what its all about. Online Multilayer on Call of Duty 4 offers various game modes, such as deathmatch, team deathmatch, and other amazing modes. To win the team, or the player, must rank up the most points for them selves. They may also have a set of objectives to complete before winning the game. To assist there win players can call upon UAV, a Helicopter, or even an Air Strike. To obtain these useful assets the player must get a certain number of kills without dieing.

    Call of Duty 4 also offers customizable weapons and special abilities for each class. If the player wants to be an assault class he can pick his weapon, the color of it, and even attachments on it. The game also offers abilities called perks. Perks are special abilities one will have to help him get more kills. An example of a perk is steady aim, or even one to allow your bullets to do more damage. The player must unlock all these perks, weapons, and other customizable features to use them.

    The ranking system on multilayer is extremely simple. Even if you win or loose a match you will get experience points to help you go to your next level. After each match you will win a set number of points that will be added on to your total. Once your total reaches a certain number you will rank up. You first start off as a NCM, that means a non officer. After a lot of game play you will reach the officer ranks. To add more game play Infinity Ward also added prestiige. Instead of capping the leveling at level 55 they now allow you to start all over again on level 1. The only difference is that you now start on Prestige rank 1. You can continue going to 55 then going to a new rank of prestige. This adds to the game play. A player does not have to go prestige, He or She can choose to stay 55.

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