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    Criss-Cross Attack

    Concept »

    A flashy technique that involves slashing a helpless enemy from different angles at a rapid pace. It usually involves reappearing in another position immediately after performing a strike to follow up with another attack (usually making the enemy go upwards while the performer strikes in a rising diagonal slash that zigzags upwards), or have dopplegangers attack with you.

    Wiki edit history

    Edit # Submitter Type Comment Sent for moderation Points Status
    244266 Sirkinsella98 Character 12/03/22 12:47PM 10 done
    182413 Sirkinsella98 Concept 10/23/21 12:47AM 4 done
    182412 Sirkinsella98 Concept 10/23/21 12:37AM 4 done
    156124 Sirkinsella98 Character 04/06/21 12:51AM 4 done
    156117 Sirkinsella98 Character 04/06/21 12:18AM 4 done
    155586 Sirkinsella98 Concept 04/01/21 03:59AM 8 done
    154572 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/24/21 09:27PM 4 done
    152987 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/15/21 08:17PM 4 done
    152950 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/15/21 04:27PM 14 done
    152166 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/08/21 11:25AM 4 done
    151686 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/04/21 07:38PM 4 done
    151597 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/04/21 07:12AM 4 done
    151593 Sirkinsella98 Concept 03/04/21 06:14AM 154 done

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