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    Devil Daggers

    Game » consists of 1 releases. Released Feb 18, 2016

    A wave-based survival FPS with a '90s fever dream' aesthetic.

    tkalsey's Devil Daggers (PC) review

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    Devil Daggers

    The perfect wine pairing for Devil Daggers is a goblet of blood. But you’ll have to chug it quickly before you are hunted and killed by a murder of rattling skulls. Unfortunately for you, the skulls achieve their goal in an impressively clinical timeframe. It’s at this point that you realize your goblet is your greatest asset, you help your mindset descent into the depth of hell. As they say, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. And as the name suggests,Devil Daggers is hell. It’s a painful fiery torment that never ends because you are always compelled to hit “Restart”, trapping you for eternity.

    Devil Daggers doesn’t care about you. The first time you play the game you hit play, and you have just enough time to see your creepily dangling fingers in first person before an ominous bass sound approaches your 5 o’clock and you die. The game unceremoniously declaring “New Record 12.0314 Seconds” The next step is you stumbling upon realizing that your dagger summoning hand has two firing modes and the skull embroidered spires that are shrouded in darkness are actually what it summoning your most hated enemy – the murder of rattling skulls, who kill you once again. “New Record 27.9326 Seconds”.

    The more you learn, the more afraid of the next coming second you become, and even after my 5 hours of playtime, I’m still learning. The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result, and Devil Daggerseffectively digs its hook into your skull and drags you kicking and screaming into insanity.

    P.S. Instead of a goblet of blood, my potion to distort my reality into Devil Daggers’ reality is music. Specifically the Doom/Stoner Metal Album “Dopethrone” By Electric Wizard. The album is slow ominous, brooding, and heavy, which pairs with the sound design of the game itself.


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