A random, which game should I play first poll.

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Poll A random, which game should I play first poll. (117 votes)

Dragon's Dogma: DA 29%
Mass Effect 3 42%
Nier 19%
Poll 10%

I'm trying to decide which game I should play first. I'm gonna get to all of them but I'm having trouble deciding which first. I have them all on the PS3 btw.

A little about me:

I think I'd like DD because, tho never got much into Bethesda games, I still really like open world games and I've been a long time character action and RPG fan.

I'll probably enjoy ME3 because I've played through ME1 and ME2 both twice. I like the games, though I never thought they were games of gen like a lot of ppl. I'm not sure why I never "finished the fight." It wasn't because of the whole ending outrage, I know that much.

Played through NieR Automata (Ending E) and really liked it but I probably like it less than ppl that REALLY like it. I'm still really interested in seeing more of Yoko Taro's work.

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I wouldn't play dragon's dogma on an old console. If that's all you have I understand, but boy is that game a terrible representation of those ideas on the last generation of consoles.

Nier's my pick. You said you liked Automata and wanted to see Yoko Taro's stuff. It may not be as much of a mind fuck after understanding who Yoko Taro is but hey, it'll still work. The music is fucking fantastic, I enjoyed the acting/characters and I generally liked seeing the world and story. The graphics are subpar, the combat is mediocre and it's kind of a slog though.

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Out of those options, I'd play Nier 1.

@vortextk said:

I wouldn't play dragon's dogma on an old console. If that's all you have I understand, but boy is that game a terrible representation of those ideas on the last generation of consoles.

I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that the frame rate wasn't that bad with the 150-200 hours that I spent with the PS3 version. Clearly PC, PS4 and X1 versions are top in that regard, but the OG versions are still playable.

Also, Berserk.

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I voted for ME3, especially since you seem to have liked the previous two enough to play them twice. If I were you, I'd think I owe it to myself to see the series to the end. In my opinion, it's also the most enjoyable to play out of the three games you're looking at. Not that DD is not, but I found it a bit too generic and boring for my taste. Having said that, I never finished it (for the aforementioned reason), so take my opinion on it with the appropriate amount of salt, maybe the game becomes super interesting 2 hours past where I left it. I had every intention to get back to it, but it's been 3 years now and I haven't, so I don't know if it will ever happen. It is also not at all like a Bethesda game.

Nier, well, that's a weird one. It does some pretty interesting stuff, as you'd expect having played Automata, but, man, this game is the definition of a slog. I realise that some of it is down to using the unique tools of this medium to say what Yoko Taro wants say and express, but I found it very drawn out and outstaying its welcome way past making its point. Interestingly, I did finish this one once, despite finding the experience of playing it much worse, in my opinion, than DD, so...

So, I guess, my ranking would be ME3, Nier, and then DD.

I hope this helps you a little.

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I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that the frame rate wasn't that bad with the 150-200 hours that I spent with the PS3 version. Clearly PC, PS4 and X1 versions are top in that regard, but the OG versions are still playable.

Ok playable, but in 2019? The ps3 version? Like would you even bother?

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Nier is definitely the worst playing game on that list. Despite that, it is the best game on that list.

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#6  Edited By tds418

I voted for ME3. The ending is fine. The gameplay will feel a lot like ME2. Regardless of how you feel about the ending, there's some great story beats along the way that the series has been building to since game 1. ME2 is one of my "games of the generation" and I would rank ME3 quite a bit lower, but it's still a satisfying end to the trilogy IMO that's worth seeing if you've invested in the first couple of games.

Edit: Definitely grab the Citadel DLC, because it's one of the best things in Mass Effect 1-3, and I thought the Leviathan DLC was worth seeing as well.

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Finish the ME trilogy. I honestly liked 3 just as much as 2. ME1 is the only one that's aged horribly. I recently replayed 3 and enjoyed it.

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#8  Edited By FacelessVixen

@vortextk said:

@facelessvixen said:

I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say that the frame rate wasn't that bad with the 150-200 hours that I spent with the PS3 version. Clearly PC, PS4 and X1 versions are top in that regard, but the OG versions are still playable.

Ok playable, but in 2019? The ps3 version? Like would you even bother?

Because not everyone is willing to buy a game more than once or twice, especially to someone who presumably hasn't even played the game yet. I mean, just because I bought the game three times don't mean I encourage other people to do so.

Also, again, Berserk. The Guts and Griffith armor and weapon sets are exclusive to the previous gen versions because of licensing. Also, the current versions don't have dual audio anymore (give or take some mods on PC), also because of licensing apparently. So there is actually some give and take between original and remaster. Whether it's worth liquiddragon tolerating the original game's frame rate issues or buy the PS4 version and not have access to some features is up to liquiddragon. ...unless he starts a thread about which version of Dragon's Dogma to play, in which case, fuck my whore mouth and fuck everything about talking about games on the internet.

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First of all why is poll one of the choices I almost voted for poll just to troll? but I would play ME 3 finish what u started

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I would go with Mass Effect 3 because you can play it 'one time' and experinces all the story and all the DLC. Dragon's Dogma DA is a lot more content that is meant to be played through more than once, so it will take much longer. ME3 has more story whereas Dragon's Dogma is more dribbles out its story very thinly and over more time.

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Mass Effect 3.

The ending is ok. Not nearly that bad as the outrage at the time made it look. Since you played the previous games twice, it should be an easy recommendation in terms of time sink.

Also, it has the Citadel, which is, easily, the best DLC of the entire franchise, if not the entire generation.

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#12  Edited By sparky_buzzsaw

Much of Mass Effect 3 is fine up until that last act, and it's certainly the most playable of those three. That gets my pick.

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Mass Effect 3's ending isn't great, but I played through that game earlier this year and I think it's pretty damn good. It's got some problems, sure, but for the most part it does a great job of wrapping up a lot of major conflicts introduced in 1 and 2. That said, if you aren't going to buy all of the DLC then don't bother. The DLC is essential to that game.

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#14  Edited By liquiddragon

I remember why I haven't played ME3 and why I've played through ME 1 & 2 twice...

My 360 broke for the last time before ME3 came out and I said fuck it to getting it fixed. Some time later I got ME trilogy on PS3 for super cheap. I still wanted to see through the story so I played ME 1 & 2 again so I can have my own save/character for ME3. It was a good excuse to see the games as FemShep. I still miss my dude from my Xbox save but FemShep is alright.

@misterdecosta the poll option is for ppl that just want to see the result or ppl that feel they don't have the knowledge to participate.

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Thanks to the magic of switch ports, Dragon's Dogma is a hot discussion topic these days. If you want to feel like you're still in the zeitgeist for a 7-year-old game, now is the time. Have I ever talked about how much I love Dragon's Dogma? Even though it runs at a pretty consistent sub-30 FPS on the old consoles? Because Dragon's Dogma is great.

That said, if you haven't seen Mass Effect 3 to its conclusion... that's absolutely worth seeing for yourself. I still think the ending is both contrived and profoundly dumb, but that doesn't ruin the rest of the game. The one actual hang-up I might have is that I'm sure all of the DLC is still full-priced, so if you want Javik or Citadel then get ready to pay up

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I'll go against everyone else and say that Mass Effect 3 is terrible, it might be overshadowed by Andromeda as far as terrible-ness but I didn't enjoy it from start to to finish.

Ranting aside I highly recommend Nier, rough around the edges sure but a great game all the same.

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I voted for poll for the meme but I'd actually say play ME3. may as well see that story to the end.

Don't play the first Nier. Its a bad game but the music is among the best in the medium, so there is that.

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#18  Edited By TobbRobb

I voted for Dragon's Dogma since it's neat and quirky. Really fun game with some unintuitive weird shit going on.

I recommend starting as fighter. You can switch classes extremely easily throughout the game so your starter doesn't matter too much, but the first 10 levels of your character has increased stat gain. So starting Fighter and getting your HP a nice big boost early is very helpful. Even as a glass cannon build or something you will want that against the normal small enemies. Big, big bois will still one-shot you anyways.

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I voted Dragon's Dogma, the story is sort of absent/obscure for a lot of the game and it starts S L O W but everything else about it is perfect in my eyes.

ME3 is well worth playing too though, easily the best combat out of the ME games and the story is pretty good with some great fan-service (especially with the Citadel DLC) right up until the end which is some lazy BS.

Haven't played Nier but what I know of the story sounds really something, I'd play it in a heartbeat if it came to pc but alas...

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Nier is the possible worst game to play.

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I voted for ME3. It was my least favorite of the original trilogy, but it's still a solid game and worth your time. I also liked Dragon's Dogma a whole lot, but that's a 50+ hour game compared to a 20-30 hour game, so assuming you're wanting to eventually play all of those ME3 would be a good starting point. I've never played Nier so I can't speak to that.