First Impressions: Tales of Vesperia (Xbox 360)

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#1  Edited By hodkurtz

For the most part, I'm a firm believer that if a game doesn't grab you in the first few hours, it's time to collect your ass and move on. More than once I've waded through the beginnings of heralded j-rpg's, just to find myself saying, "Well, that was just stupid." Girl with bunny ears? "Stupid." Twelve year-old moron yearning for self discovery? "Fucking stupid." Whatever I might think of the genre, it is populated with the above examples to a disappointing degree. The closest I've come to actually enjoying myself was with last year's Lost Odyssey, but eventually the turn-based combat drilled a hole in my face and I could no longer continue playing due to massive blood loss. It's too bad, really, because I thought the story had promise. I'm not a big fan of amnesia (if you don't know who you are, you can fuck off), but Mistwalker seemed to be creating something that wasn't going to tank itself halfway through.

I didn't forget the title of this post; I just think that in order for me to explain what I love about games, I also have to explain what I hate. And, if you're Lost Odyssey, what could have been good, if not for the painfully old-school combat. So, these are my two criteria for playing and enjoying an RPG:

1 ) No annoying crap characters that I would rather use their skin for lamp shades than listen to them blather on about blah-de-blah; fuck off.

2 ) Updated combat. I understand there are a lot of people who enjoy turn-based combat. I'm just not one of them. That's the end of that story.

So, Tales of Vesperia. I got burned before with Eternal Sonata, so I wasn't initially looking forward to this. I've never played any of the Tales games, and in a strictly aestethic sense, it looked like another Sonata.

Well, I was wrong.

The first thing that impressed me was how clean and crisp everything looked. It's one of those art styles that will still have girls blushing ten years from now. Very sexy. After my initial fawning period was over and I started learning what the story entailed, I learned something previously thought of as myth: I'm not playing as some douche who
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#2  Edited By jimbojones

It only gets better. I really liked the story, combat is unique I'd say

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#3  Edited By vidiot

I'm sad to hear that your tolerance for turn based combat seemed to have dissipated, Lost Odyssey was probably the best JRPG I played all year.

But this was a close second. The characters are incredibly likable very different, the plots themes are subtle instead of beating you obsessively over and over again. I wish the game took more than one disk so I could appreciate the Japanese voices, the localization seems to have difficulty about mid point in the game and cant hold up to the incredibly detailed technicalities of magic that crop up latter on. If this game had a longer time being translated, then it could have easily become one of the best games this year without question.

Vesperia is a game that is also built to be played more than once, which is ridiculous considering it's initial length is a good 60ish hours. There's alot of small quests which can be completely skipped if not activated.

I was aiming for 100% completion (achievements.) for this game, but then got tired. I'll come back later.

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#4  Edited By SmugDarkLoser

Freak.  Believe I still have yet to be Lost Odyssey?  I have such a back catalog with these games.  I just haven't had much time recently.

Lost Odyssey  (disk 4 but I apparently have about a good 20 hours left if I want to do the side quests)
Infinite Undiscovery (supposely a 20-30 hour game, easy)
Last Remnant (although my brother technically has it right now- long game, haven't played too much yet)

Titles I need to pick up:  Vesperia (i've played a bit of it, not on my xbox)
So then I'll have played all major (meaning no Shikoudo Haiden) JRPG releases except Eternal Sonata, which I'll get eventually, but I don't have a huge desire to play it (the others are only Blue dragon which I beat and loved and Enchanted Arms which I'm not even considering playing)
Then there will be star ocean that I'll probably get late march.
Who knows what's after that.