My Personal GOTY

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Its been a crazy long time since I've posted on here so I figure with the end of the year fast approaching, I would do my own GOTY list. Turns out I only played 16 games from 2013(although beating last year's total of 6) so i'ma do a list of the 16 I played. Seeing as I only played 16, this list will be the worst of 2013 at 16 to the best at 1.

16)Mario & Luigi Dream Team

---I enjoyed the previous game so much (Bowser's Inside Story) that it set the bar so high and this could just not come close. The thing that spoiled it for me was touch screen and tilt controls. When you find yourself in a boss battle that solely depends on tilting the 3ds which is unresponsive and can make or break the battle was a real bummer. The story and writing were lacking in comparison to the previous game(s) and at this point in the series you don't need to treat the player as if they've never played a video game before.

15) Ni No


-- This was the biggest disappointment. I had waited and waited for years for this game to finally be released after Giant Bomb put up the first trailer almost 3 years ago. This could've been so much more. I mean, studio ghibli + final fantasy + legend of zelda + could you go wrong?

I can't even pinpoint exactly what it is that was disappointing about it. The game was beautiful and had an amazing soundtrack, but I was bored the whole time. I found the battles to be repetitive and the grinding. my god.

At this point in the list, its games from 2013 that I enjoyed

14) Deadly Premonition:Director's Cut-- I know technically this game came out before 2013, but because the director's cut came out in 2013, I'm including it. With improved controls and "improved graphics" on the ps3, this game was worth going back to. The improved control did in fact make the game easier to play more of. However watching the endurance run gave me the clues in to what to do next and as soon as your get the infinite ammo machine gun, the game becomes much easier. (which i have no problems with)

13) Disney Infinity-- Skylanders with Disney Characters? SOLD. I still have to go back and play through some new campaigns. Biggest complaint....where's my Nightmare Before Christmas and/or Tron campaigns.

12) Call Of Duty: Ghosts-- So, this is the first call of duty game I've played since MW 2. I decided to grab this on a long weekend to kill some time. I enjoyed it. The campaign was ridiculous as always, but I was super in to it. Multiplayer hasn't changed much... and I'm still terrible at it, which also hasn't changed. First thing I spent my squad points on were knives to I could run around stabbing and throwing knives at guys and just generally being a pain. I played the new Extinction mode more than the rest of the game. A much improved "cod zombies".

11) Animal Crossing:New Leaf-- I didn't play much of the wii one, so playing this was quite a treat. Enough new activities (and mayor duties) to keep me going back and building a sweet village. Finding the easy bell trick on the island meant spending hours in the evening collecting as much as possible and upgrading and building everything. Now after I returned from months of not playing, the snow has fallen and there are weeds everywhere, Rack City is in a state of despair.

10) Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon-- I'm counting re-releases, so I'm counting DLC. As i previously mentioned, I didn't do a best of for 2012. Had I done a list, Far Cry 3 would've been in the top 2. This game was just the right amount of silly and right amount of awesome. I played it the way I played Far Cry 3. Doing all the side missions and eliminating all of the creatures until I had no other choice but to progress the story. Running around stabbing guys and shooting giant blood dragons with a soundtrack that sounds like Kavinsky is the way to go.

9) Legend of Zelda: WindWaker HD

-- I know, another re-release. But it's windwaker. Having the extra buttons to place items is so much better than having to open up my menu and replace my weapons with a sail or baton. What a simple yet game changing addition. Not to mention the game looks gosh darn beautiful. It makes me want to go swimming. and drink lots of water.

8) Super Mario 3D World

--What a surprise! This is one of the best Mario games I've played in the last decade. It feels like they actually tried on this one, and they were successful... A 3D version of Super Mario 2 and 3 for the NES. I haven't had this much fun playing a Mario game since Mario 64. Well done boys.

7) The Last of Us-- This was an incredible game but... I'm gonna go ahead and say this....I hated the combat. I found myself rushing through it every time just to advance the story and continue on my journey. I once played a game for ps2 that involved you escaping natural disasters. There was no need for combat in it. I wish they had taken this route as well. If the game had no combat and was just story telling which traversing the wasteland and trying to get from point a to point b, it honestly would've been much higher on the list. The story was so well written and the world was so immerse that when it came to points when the combat made me just turn off the game it really soured me on the whole thing and for that reason it lands at 7.

6) Tombraider-- Wow SquareEnix. You surprised me. So, uncharted with a female lead. I was telling myself I wanted a new uncharted game, and this was the closest I'd get and was pleased as pie. Super dark and gritty and just found myself in my spare time just wanting to go back and play more. Those death animations made me real sad every time.

5) Pokemon X/Y-- This is the pokemon game my friend and I had talked about for years. Thank you for finally making it. Introducing new pokemon and a new type into the mix was refreshing as well. I played Black/White and could barely get through it. The story as silly as it was, was something new and man did it ever get dark near the end there. I won't spoil it. I kept finding new outfits for my trainer so he'd look badass and suave all while catching pokemon and annihilating other trainers. My ultimate team.... Sylveon, Jolteon, Vaporeon, Flareon, Umbreon and Espeon.

4)Fire Emblem: Awakening--I spent many many many hours with this one. I don't even want to begin to tell you how long I spent getting everyone to like each other, having kids, recruiting those kids, having everyone like those kids and so on. Levelling everyone up to 20,then changing their jobs and making them even stronger. Virion ended up with moves and weapons that had him attacking 4-6 times in one turn. Many hours spent on the couch playing this one. Made me go back to fire emblem on GBA. Thanks ambassador program.

3) Bioshock Infinite-- When the credits started to roll and "will the circle be unbroken" started playing again, I was in shock and inexplicably almost in tears. I found myself trying not to get to wrapped up in the whole ending, but it made for some good topics of conversations. It also lead to many late nights not being able to sleep and thinking about different universes and existences. Don't even get me started. I really enjoyed the combat in this game and experimenting with different vigors and guns(as with any bioshock game) I found myself constantly using the birds and yelling "CACAWWW" everytime i shot them from my hand and blasted fools with my rifle. The story, characters and the world were so well done.The ever changing characters and world kept pulling me in further and further. Colombia was such an improvement from Rapture being underwater where the game is really dark to being in this floating world where its always light but there's still some bad shit going on and just because its light out doesn't make it any less terrifying or tense.

even as I write this, I'm still struggling to make one stand out above the other... but they're both so solid that It's come to a tie...

2)/1) Legend of Zelda :A Link Between Worlds/ Saints Row


--Let me first just start out by saying wow Nintendo. I always considered you the abusive boyfriend and me the girl that keeps going back to him. "You don't know him like i do" "this time he'll be different i swear" then you hurt me, but i can't let go. This year, you really did change. Who'd have ever thought that Nintendo would make a "sequel of sorts" to one of (my most cherished childhood memories) the all time greats. See In my opinion, Link to The Past has always been my favorite Zelda game. Just narrowly beating out Ocarina. Link between Worlds is link to the past, just with a few new mechanics, but thats not a bad thing. The right amount of nostalgia and the right amount of new keeps me going back for seconds. Walking out of your house for the first time and hearing the link to the past world music play and seeing a all too familiar map made me smile from ear to ear. I can't get enough of this game and I hope Nintendo takes notes and continues to keep this trend.

Now, Saints Row 4. Everyone talks about how this is just a DLC. I disagree, with the amount of new stuff and having a full open world, its so much bigger and better than DLC. I seriously cannot get enough of this franchise. Its so cleverly written. Its the game I would make, If i made games. Its silly, and dumb and far out and just so much fun. I mean it has its flaws, but its the perfect game. Open world with no shackles right from the get go. The story is well written but its not like a "bioshock" or "last of us" story where you really need to be...focused and in it. Come home from work, throw on saints, run at super speed listening to montell jordan and just taking out any kind of stress. I can pop it on and progress the story without needing a lot of brain power to comprehend whats happening and it throws in laughs along the way which help to set the mood. I can't even begin to imagine what they will do next, but i am eager to see it and will be behind it every step of the way.

Explosive does that not sell a person on a video game. I was sold from the beginning and watching the new trailers come out got me more and more hyped for the game. Dubstep gun...yep. superpowers...yep. keith david...yep.

In fact I'm going to go play it now.

and i think i just settled which one is 2 and which one is 1.

2) Legend of Zelda: Link Between Worlds

1) Saints Row 4

Hope you all had a happy merry christmas and holidays and have a happy new year!