Question about an older Model PS3

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#1  Edited By crusader8463
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I'm looking into getting an older 80 GB ps3 from someone but I wanted to know more about it's backwards compatibility from someone who has one. I tried Googling around some but I got a lot of mixed answers. I found some places saying that they fixed all the slow down issues with PS2 games, and others saying that the issues are still there. I vaguely recall reading somewhere that certain model numbers of the 80 GB might have used the older chip instead of the software emulation which didn't cause any problems, but I'm not one hundred percent sure on that.
I mainly want the system for a few PS3 exclusives that I can't get on my PC, but money is tight right now so I plan plan to hunt down some older PS2 games I never got around to playing years ago and play them until I can save up to get some of the PS3 games that I want.
So as I said, I was wondering if anyone who has an 80 GB PS3, or anyone who happens to know, could let me know what there experience has been with it and what I might expect or what to watch out for.
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#2  Edited By X19

Can't help you about that but if money is tight why don't you just buy a PS2 along with the games you want. PS3 and exclusives can wait imo.

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#3  Edited By ch13696

It's only on the 80 GB models because they're using some sort of software to run the PS1/PS2 games. While the 60 GB models is using an actual PS2 chip inside the system. That's why the 60 GB models run better. That's what I heard from some friends and it does make sense because my 60 GB model runs PS2 games fine. That's pretty much what I mostly play on my PS3.

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#4  Edited By abdo

From what I hear the emulation isn't perfect, and it's worse on 80 GB models. The wisest choice would be to get a PS2 now, play those games, then get a PS3 in the future once you can afford it. 
While we're on the subject, I'd like to make it clear that ALL PS3 models are capable of playing PS1 games.

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#5  Edited By crusader8463
@X19: Because if I buy the ps2 then when I'm done with the ps2 games I'm stuck with a ps2 that wont play ps3 games and I would then need to find the money to buy a ps3. Why pay an extra $100-$150 for a ps 2 that only plays ps 2 games when I can put a little more with it and get a system that plays both ps2 and ps3 games.
@ch13696: Ya thanks. After doing some more searching after my OP I found what I needed to know. The 80 GB with the 4 usb ports uses the software emulation and the other 80 gb doesn't do anything. Only the 20 and 60 gb ones use the hardware emulation and are the best ones to get as they run them perfectly.
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#6  Edited By gunslingerNZ
@crusader8463: Make sure you don't get a 60GB PAL model though. Those ones were part hardware part software emulation. I don't have problems with any of my PS2 games other than the intro video to GT4 but still you're better going full hardware.
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#7  Edited By X19
@crusader8463: Sorry I live in the UK so I don't really know what $100-$150 is really worth. In the UK the PS2 is really cheap compared to buying a PS3 but maybe it's different else where. You buy a PS2 to have the guarantee of knowing that PS2 games work perfectly on it. I don't trust the PS3 to give the same experience and it wouldn't be a reason for me to spend that amount of money if I'm going to play mainly PS2 games on it.
@abdo: MOH Underground (Disc) was messed up for me. I did buy Vagrant Story (PSN) which does work perfectly.
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#8  Edited By crusader8463
@X19: lists a new ps2 at $100, which, according to Google, is 61.37 pounds. I can use a local craigslist type site called where I can get a ps3 for around $200-$300 plus a bunch of games with it. So It would just be silly to pay an extra $100 for the ps2 and then need to find the space for two systems when I could just have one that does it all. Why spend $300-$400 to do all that when I could just pay $200-$300.
That's my point of view anyway.
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#9  Edited By X19
@crusader8463: Last time I looked a new PS2 was £50 and used was between £25-£40. From your original post it sounded like buying a PS3 would clear you out and you would only be able to afford PS2 games for now. What i'm saying is if you are stuck in that situation playing PS2 games which potential might be a mess on the system and can't afford PS3 games you might as well not bother buying a PS3. If you get a PS2 instead you can get some brilliant games for dirt cheap and get a lot of enjoyment out of them. When money is better and with a few more PS2 game completions under your belt maybe upgrade. 
I was in this position three years ago when it came to buying the original Xbox or 360. I bought the original with both Halos included and slowly hunted down all the other exclusives like Chronicles of Riddick which were dirt cheap. I enjoyed the hell out of that system and the games without putting much pressure on the bank account. 
Anyway I would go for the PS2 which would give you lots of options games wise and wouldn't make you feel crap about not being able to afford the PS3 games you want. 
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#10  Edited By crusader8463
@X19:  I get what you are saying, but what I'm worried about is never having enough money at one time again to buy the ps3. While right now I have the money to buy it, down the road things may keep popping up that prevent me from ever having the lump sum to do so again as I will only be getting small chunks of money over holidays.
The only reason I can do this now is because I got a short seasonal job cutting wood for x-mas reefs and I may be out of a job come tomorrow because they have ran out of wood and may not get another shipment in in time to meet the deadline. If I can't get at least another week of work then I won't be able to do any of this anyway because my first two pay checks are already spoken for! And if I do manage to get another two to three weeks of work then I will have enough to build a new computer which is a higher priority for me. Which means I'm not going to be getting the ps3 if I can afford the PC I want to build. lol
Anyway, just noticed it's 12:00 am and I gotta be up at 5:00 am to head to work and find out what I'm going to get to do. Here's hoping for at least another weeks work! That way I can buy the ps3 and a bunch of newer games.
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#11  Edited By X19
@crusader8463: Of course you will I wouldn't buy the PS3 out of desperation. If you buy the PS3 now will you have the money to buy games for it along the line? 
All I can say is I had quite a bit of money when I bought my PS3 a year ago. Now I can't afford rent never mind games so it just sits there pining (no pun intended) for AC3 & GT5 which come out later this month. Unless your happy playing the same games over and over again on your PS3 (I recommended UC2 which I clocked 360hrs on the multiplayer alone XD) then I would save your money and go with the PS2. You will get just the same amount of entertainment for a lot less money.  
Also if your saving up for a new PC build why not just do what I did with the original Xbox. Buy the PS3 at the end of it's life and get all the exclusives for stupidly cheap.  
Good luck with the work anyway that's the more important thing we can agree on lol
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#12  Edited By cjmabry

Not to hijack the thread but I also am in the same situation as crusader. 

" From what I hear the emulation isn't perfect, and it's worse on 80 GB models. The wisest choice would be to get a PS2 now, play those games, then get a PS3 in the future once you can afford it.  While we're on the subject, I'd like to make it clear that ALL PS3 models are capable of playing PS1 games. "
You mean through PSN or as in I can pop in a PS1 game and play away? 
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#13  Edited By HitmanAgent47

Not all 80 gig ps3 has emulation, they took it away for the model of ps3 I have. Then again I used to have a 60 gig launch sku, they gave me this one for their best buy waranty. I thought I won out, yet I realised I just lost emulation so I lost out. It was a poor decision on sony's part. So make sure it actually has backwards compatibility.

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#14  Edited By abdo
@cjmabry: Both.