Cheat on your wife not your games.

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Edited By EightBitShik

I don't understand why people cheat in video games. I guess I could see the fun in a game that you have beat and you have nothing else to do but when it comes to online games or even achievements I just don't get it. Whether it's boosting your achievement score by having your friends let them shoot you in the head or if it's exploiting a game to get be the top player on the leader boards. 
I bring this up tonight because with the release of Halo Reach I have come across some stupid cheaters and I would like to express my sadness for these people. Today I was playing a match of infection which was going just fine until I became a Zombie and found that a few people exploiting an area of the game where it was near impossible for us to reach them without dying. We had to throw ourselves like fat chicks at a pizza buffet. So cool... they were able to get some kills on us in a bullshit manner. I myself just can't do something like that. Another is the amount of people have used the glitch to get "Splash damage". Why play a game and cheese your way to the top? Who are you trying to impress? It's not me for one.  
You have the people out there that boost there achievement points and cheat on the boards. Once again who are you trying to impress? You didn't earn any of that you have no skill and it's all fake. What is that I am missing with these people? The boosting of the achievements cracks me up. It's a fake score that gets you nothing at all. So why not play legit and earn it? I would be more impressed.  
The arguments are always stupid too. I have a life so I'm not going to sit there and try and earn all those achievements. I'm sorry but you are full of shit. You don't have a life and once again they get you nothing so if your life is so important why are you taking time out to fake it? What about the people who cheat in Starcraft 2? I feel like I"m beating a dead horse with this but once again you get nothing out of it so what is the point.  
I will never understand why people do it I just can't figure it out. I will stick with just looking at "My friends leader boards" so that I won't have to deal with a person having a billion more points then me. I'm head to toe legit so if you are my friend and you have been cheating let me know so I can defriend you.  At least if you cheat on your wife you are getting something out of it. Just hope you don't get an STD as your achievement.  

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#1  Edited By EightBitShik

I don't understand why people cheat in video games. I guess I could see the fun in a game that you have beat and you have nothing else to do but when it comes to online games or even achievements I just don't get it. Whether it's boosting your achievement score by having your friends let them shoot you in the head or if it's exploiting a game to get be the top player on the leader boards. 
I bring this up tonight because with the release of Halo Reach I have come across some stupid cheaters and I would like to express my sadness for these people. Today I was playing a match of infection which was going just fine until I became a Zombie and found that a few people exploiting an area of the game where it was near impossible for us to reach them without dying. We had to throw ourselves like fat chicks at a pizza buffet. So cool... they were able to get some kills on us in a bullshit manner. I myself just can't do something like that. Another is the amount of people have used the glitch to get "Splash damage". Why play a game and cheese your way to the top? Who are you trying to impress? It's not me for one.  
You have the people out there that boost there achievement points and cheat on the boards. Once again who are you trying to impress? You didn't earn any of that you have no skill and it's all fake. What is that I am missing with these people? The boosting of the achievements cracks me up. It's a fake score that gets you nothing at all. So why not play legit and earn it? I would be more impressed.  
The arguments are always stupid too. I have a life so I'm not going to sit there and try and earn all those achievements. I'm sorry but you are full of shit. You don't have a life and once again they get you nothing so if your life is so important why are you taking time out to fake it? What about the people who cheat in Starcraft 2? I feel like I"m beating a dead horse with this but once again you get nothing out of it so what is the point.  
I will never understand why people do it I just can't figure it out. I will stick with just looking at "My friends leader boards" so that I won't have to deal with a person having a billion more points then me. I'm head to toe legit so if you are my friend and you have been cheating let me know so I can defriend you.  At least if you cheat on your wife you are getting something out of it. Just hope you don't get an STD as your achievement.  

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#2  Edited By hunkaburningluv

I don't agree that utilising those areas on maps that are hard to access is cheating, but yeah, I kinda agree with the other stuff.

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#3  Edited By guiseppe

Let's say me and a friend each have a copy of an older game that no one is playing online anymore, would it be cheating to give eachother achievements by letting him shoot me a couple of times and vice versa? Those are the only times I've done it, because there's no other way to get those achievements. Stupid multiplayer achievements, how I hate them!

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#4  Edited By Xeiphyer

Just because somebody is playing the game better than you doesn't mean they are cheating. Cheating is exploiting something unintentional in the game, positioning yourself in a good spot on a map is just strategy.
As for cheating, some people find it fun, some people just want to get the rewards and unlocks without all the grind. Its a matter of personal opinion on whether its worth it to you or not though. (Also, I'm not talking about the splash damage thing, no idea what thats all about).
Achievements are meaningless in of themselves, however its people who give them value. Its the same as money, money is just coins and paper, a dime is worth more than a nickel even though a nickel is worth more in raw materials. Achievements are worth getting because they represent... achievements. I don't know if you've noticed, but people sure like money and don't mind cheating or worse to get it. Or you could think of them as virtual trophies. People like showing off the rewards of skill they have earned to others because it makes them feel good about themselves, unfortunately there are sometimes easy ways in life to get them and some people have no problem taking the easy road. Thats more or less the answer to why people cheat at these things; Some people see a shortcut and take it to get there faster and some people will always take the long road because they enjoy the way there. Its perspective on what the reward is really.
But really, you have never cheated to get an achievement earlier or more easily than you should have? You have never gotten a boss stuck on a particular area to make the fight easy, or accidentally ended up on different teams than your friend so you got some annoying challenge done against him? Hell, you have never read a FAQ or guide online to get you through some part you were stuck on? 
Those are all forms of cheating, and I doubt you have never done those or other things like that. Shortcuts are pretty awesome sometimes, and hey, these are videogames you are complaining about. At the end of the day some people don't want to get home from work to do more work, some people want want to get their rewards and have fun.

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I have to agree with you, cheating usually has a negative effect on a game overall. I learned very early that if you cheat in a game (singleplayer at this time, Internet play wasn't avaliable when I was young) it quickly takes the fun out of the game. There's no challenge, and unless you can do hilarious shit with cheats, (IE: Noclipping through a door in Soldier of Fortune and killing/setting some guys on fire prior to going back out and triggering the cutscene for some hilarity) it's all just going to make you drop the game before you've gotten halfway through it. That's my take on it at least, cheating just ruins the goddamn game and the purpose of it. This is specifically true in online gaming. Good ol' aimbot, I have never understood. If it had been an e-peen issue then it's goddamn contradictory because you're winning because you're cheating, not because you're good at the damn game.
I guess grievers can get a lot out of cheating. It's become more or less of a trend to attempt to piss people off in online games these days, and it's hard to find fanbases that doesn't consist of these morons... these, usually, fairly young morons, if you catch my drift.
"Pissing people off" alongside with "being too stupid to realize that cheats doesn't make you great at a game" may be the two only reasons I see for using cheats. I have after all came across cheaters that devoutedly believe they're awesome for pulling off headshot after headshot despite using aimbot, stereotypically these are below 18 years of age and are all too caught up in their "counter-strike period" to care or listen to other ideas.

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#6  Edited By Tarakun

My opinion, cheating when you are playing against other players is wrong. Just plain wrong. You should never cheat in a situation where you could ruin the experience for others. I also make a point to never cheat in games that have multi-player. I know if I cheat in the single-player, I will forever be crippled when I play against real people, and that aint cool. 
However, when I'm playing by myself, who cares? I cheated through most of San Andreas (Hydra is how real G's get around) and I don't regret it for one minute. I don't play video games with some self-fulfilling attitude of "the challenge makes me a better person" or something stupid like that, I just want to have fun. And cheats can make games fun real quick.  
As for achievements, you said yourself they are pointless. I mean yes, you can boost all day, but the only thing you end up with is a number that gratifies your e-peen. The truth of the matter is that nobody actually cares. So my question to you is, who are you trying to impress with your legitimately obtained achievements? As Jeff said, points are points. 

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#7  Edited By Tordah

I don't understand the fun in cheating in multiplayer games either. That's just pathetic.
With that said, I don't see a problem with achievements boosting if you do it for a dead multiplayer game, since getting those achievements would be impossible otherwise.

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#8  Edited By GiantBomber

Do "Noob Tubes" count? I'm not too sure. Let me know.

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#9  Edited By ___pocalypse

I think cheating in games specifically to win or to grief other people is kind of pointless. For some people though, the validation they get from winning and angering people outweighs or completely eradicates any guilt or regret they may have over cheating.  It makes them feel good, so they continue to do.
I'd think that people who cheat in games are probably pretty likely to cheat in other areas in their life, so they could already be cheating on their wives. IMO, cheating to "win" and manipulating people anywhere is bad news.

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Try the blood gulch remake. 
Give an idiot a jetpack and a sniper and they'll be on the mountain sides up high (not the regular hiding spots) where they can take you down miles before you get close to them and they have a clear shot across the entire field.
That might be clever use of jetpack, but it sounds more like an exploit to me.

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#11  Edited By LiquidPrince
@EightBitShik said:
"Today I was playing a match of infection which was going just fine until I became a Zombie and found that a few people exploiting an area of the game where it was near impossible for us to reach them without dying. We had to throw ourselves like fat chicks at a pizza buffet. "
That doesn't really seem like cheating... just smart location picking. Unless they are like clipping through a wall or something.
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#12  Edited By EightBitShik
@hunkaburningluv: I can kind of see your point but since we aren't able to shoot back it really bothers the shit out of me. 
@guiseppe:  You know, I wouldn't be mad at you for doing that but at the same time I wouldn't do it I would cut my losses I know I won't S-Rank everygame I ever play despite wanting to but I wouldn't add to my score in that way. In all honesty I'm not trying to convince anyone its just something that bothers me and I wouldn't do it myself. 
@TaliciaDragonsong:  Seriously, I agree it may not be cheating but it's stupid and that counts for me. 
@Tarakun: I am personally am just trying to impress myself. It's why some people have "Honor". I'm not a perfect person but for the past 20 years videogames have been everything to me. I love to play them, read them and I used to sell them so I just take this one thing in my life serious.  That being said if I was doing a 3 legged-ed race I would totally cheat!
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@GiantBomber said:
" Do "Noob Tubes" count? I'm not too sure. Let me know. "
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#14  Edited By Deusoma
@guiseppe said:
" Stupid multiplayer achievements, how I hate them!"
I'm gonna back this one up, I always let out a sigh when I see that a new game has multiplayer achievements. 
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#15  Edited By EightBitShik
@InfamousBIG: What the hell is a Noob Tube?
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@EightBitShik: Simply the bane of my existence.
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#17  Edited By iam3green

good thread title. some people cheat to have fun. i will say that i have cheated modern warfare 2 when the care package glitch happened. it was fun to do those because it was easy. there were other people on the opposite team so it wasn't fare. i don't cheat or boost on multiplayer games. i find it stupid to get things that don't matter. in the future, people aren't going to care about how many titles you have.

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#18  Edited By bravetoaster

I don't see the fun in cheating. Then again, people don't see the fun in playing video games.

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#19  Edited By MikkaQ

Big. Head. Mode.

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#20  Edited By Chubbaluphigous


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#21  Edited By ColMirage
@EightBitShik said:
" @InfamousBIG: What the hell is a Noob Tube? "
The Grenade Launcher for assault /battle rifle class weapons. It's the first attachment you get IIRC in CoD. The term is used in other games as well (BC2 comes to mind).
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#22  Edited By EightBitShik
@Axxol: lol 
@ColMirage:  Ah duh. Thanks.
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#23  Edited By SethPhotopoulos

Some games have awesome cheats like GTA.  In multiplayer games it is annoying though.

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#24  Edited By damnboyadvance

There isn't any benefit to cheating. Cheating takes all of the fun out of the game for everyone. It's not rewarding at all, and it ruins everybody's good time.

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#25  Edited By Fajita_Jim

For me cheating ruins the value of a game, even single player. The whole idea is to overcome the challenge through skill and/or intelligence, not to succumb  to it.
I often use mods and such to make games harder, not easier. I like a good, difficult challenge. If I can sit down and blow through a game without trying, it's not worth the money I paid for it.