Of Course America is Fat! There's No Phys Ed Classes!

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Edited By jakob187

Above is a video of Jim Rome talking about a ban against tag from Colorado schools in 2007.

My alma mater had a strict P.E. program in place, and within three years after I graduated, the school had completely gotten rid of it.  The only form of phys. ed. left in the system was the Athletics program.  I'm not necessarily skinny, but I sure as Hell wasn't always a fattie (and when it comes down to it, I ain't fat by accident...down South cookin' is hard to resist!).  Nonetheless, it seems that using an EXTRACURRICULAR activity to replace a MANDATORY P.E. class is kind of...well...bullshit.

What about you guys?  Are there regular P.E. classes in your schools?  If so, what's the standard of these things nowadays?

I'm hoping people won't use this as an opportunity to flame people because of weight and other shit.  I want to use this as a chance for people to seriously discuss what the fuck is wrong with our school systems that they can fuck up soooooo easily.
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#1  Edited By jakob187

Above is a video of Jim Rome talking about a ban against tag from Colorado schools in 2007.

My alma mater had a strict P.E. program in place, and within three years after I graduated, the school had completely gotten rid of it.  The only form of phys. ed. left in the system was the Athletics program.  I'm not necessarily skinny, but I sure as Hell wasn't always a fattie (and when it comes down to it, I ain't fat by accident...down South cookin' is hard to resist!).  Nonetheless, it seems that using an EXTRACURRICULAR activity to replace a MANDATORY P.E. class is kind of...well...bullshit.

What about you guys?  Are there regular P.E. classes in your schools?  If so, what's the standard of these things nowadays?

I'm hoping people won't use this as an opportunity to flame people because of weight and other shit.  I want to use this as a chance for people to seriously discuss what the fuck is wrong with our school systems that they can fuck up soooooo easily.
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#2  Edited By Supercoolbro

That's messed up. How can they ban tag? This is one of the largest loads of bull I've probably ever heard.

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#3  Edited By Gunner

I remember in the 8th grade they banned dodge ball from Gym class because it "promoted violence" at my school. Later in the year they got rid of all our sports teams and invested in an Agriculture class because it made the school money.

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#4  Edited By Lunarbunny

Funny, my high school had a requirement of at least a semester of PE per year. I personally got waivers by doing extracurricular sports (crew, despite being 5'7"), but there was no avoiding it if you wanted to graduate.

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#5  Edited By tekmojo

jim rome is a good man

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#6  Edited By Rowr

Phys Ed and sports are always a big focus in Australian schools, well at least they were when i grew up, and they definitely made a difference. I found it quite incredible when i did schooling in Canada for a year that contact sports were out of the question.

Then again at this time, apparently Australians are as overweight if not more than the states now. Tho i put that down to a higher percentage of Australians living securely (less homeless etc), and our lifestyles have become far more americanish in the last 10 years. (Lazy as fuck)

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#7  Edited By Jayge_

2 of the high schools in my town have gym twice a week half a year for 3 years, mine has it 4 days a week 4 years through. I appreciate that.

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#8  Edited By ManMadeGod

Is a 40 minute Gym period, where half the kids don't even do anything, going to help? No.

A worthless gym class in school will do nothing for you; get outside and go runnning if you really care about how you look, lets not blame the school for fat kids. 
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#9  Edited By get2sammyb

Americans aren't the only fatties these days.

You should look at half the kids in British schools lately.

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#10  Edited By daniel_beck_90

well I am a college student and started Bodybuilding 3.5 years ago ,  I was kinda overweight myself at that time but now things are totally different .  I think If you want to lose fat you can . 
though I like the idea of replacing the fat with muscles rather than just losing weight and getting weak  .

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#12  Edited By Jayge_
ManMadeGod said:
"Is a 40 minute Gym period, where half the kids don't even do anything, going to help? No.
A worthless gym class in school will do nothing for you; get outside and go runnning if you really care about how you look, lets not blame the school for fat kids. 
It all depends. I work out at a gym outside of school, but I go to the weight room twice a week and then go and do something random like Badminton twice a week. You get out of it what you put into it. Something I've always liked about flat-out exerting myself physically.
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#13  Edited By h8smikemoore

in elementary school we played dodgeball like crazy. it was friggin awesome, anyone who dislikes dodgeball shouldnt even be alive.
in highschool all that sensitive sissy crap started and it got banned. Fortunately they just changed the name to "agility ball" and everything stayed the same.

in PA you need to pass gym class every year in highschool or you dont graduate.

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#14  Edited By Dalai

I think the majority of the blame comes from greedy lawyers and the stupid parents of stupid kids who get hurt.  No school wants to give away a few million dollars to little Timmy who got a broken nose with a dodgeball so they take the extreme position.

And this is yet another reason why I hate the nanny state mentality.

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#15  Edited By jakob187
Levio91 said:
"Here in texas hardly anyones fat."
^^^^ bullshit
Yeah, my alma mater also used to require 3 P.E. credits on your record in order to graduate.  Once the TAKS test was made (which replaced the TAAS...damn state standardized testing), they replaced the need for P.E. credits with arts credits, then shortened the length of science and arts classes and increased the length of English and math classes.  That sounds fine and all, except they increased the length so the teachers could teach the TAKS test.  If a school fails the TAKS test three years in a row, then it is shut down.

You heard that right.

If a school in Texas fails the TAKS test three years in a row...they shut the entire school down.

Now, should that REALLY be held against the school and/or faculty?  I mean, if kids don't care about learning (which trust me...with as many as I've met that can't read an analog clock, I believe it's the kid's choices, not the faculty), then the school and/or faculty get punished for it.  Sure, there are schools that do need to get shut down.  However, G.I. Wiley, a local ELEMENTARY school, was shut down because of this stuff.

And meanwhile, P.E. classes are almost non-existant because the schools and/or faculty don't want to lose their jobs, so they have to cut the class in order to teach this test and keep the school open.

It's stupid.  Fucking...stupid.
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#16  Edited By Virago

the whole public school system is screwy.

plus, the fact that TV is free and easy... well... ya know.
i agree, man. sucks.
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#17  Edited By Shadow2K6
Levio91 said:
"Here in texas hardly anyones fat."

Somehow I doubt that.

Considering Houston is one of the fattest cities and when I was down there everyone was fat.  Where I went to High school (Pennsylvania) you need to pass Phys. Ed. every year in high school in other to graduate.  I remember playing dodgeball as a kid, was fun.  I was also as thin as a rail, still am =P.  I think its stupid they banned it in a lot of places and banning tag is just retarded.  And then people wonder why all these kids are obese.
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#18  Edited By jakob187
Shadow2K6 said:
"And then people wonder why all these kids are obese."
Bingo.  I mean, I'm fat, but I know why:  I eat like a fucking dump truck on garbage day.  I know how to fix the problem, but I'm a lazy fuck (and don't really care to live past 50 anyways).
However, it baffles me that people are always trying to find these different ways to get their kids outside.  Here's an idea:  how about you fucking turn the TV off, put a baseball glove in their hands, and tell them to fucking go outside?  Better yet.  Get on the PTA at your school and fucking tell them "P.E. is important".

But what parent will do that?  Most of them are the same motherfuckers that smoke weed with their kids and pretend they are still 16 also.  
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#19  Edited By Gameboi

I'm all for having PE in schools.  Whether you realize it or not, people in general have a tendency to follow patterns of behavior that were instilled in them during their youth. While this doesn't  guaranteed that you will continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle after graduation, it certainly increases the likelihood that you will.  I understand that there are exceptions to the rule.

We live in a great technological time period. However, it has not only tethered us to these wonderful gadgets, but each has made us somewhat lazier in some respects. Growing up, there was no Internet to chat it up on. You couldn't sit in front of the TV and play games all day (not that I don't enjoy doing this).  You actually went outside, or went next door to talk to friends and neighbors. For some people, PE is the only time they will do any physical activity at all during the day.  In other words, I think it fills an important need that some parts of our society have forgotten that exists in the first place.

I'm as guilty of it as the next person. However, it just had to be said.

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#20  Edited By lamegame621

I'm overweight, but active. I remember in eighth grade when we had P.E. our gym teacher always came in with a hangover and just told us to play basketball. lol. I played Tennis in High School, but I really couldn't stand regular P.E....but then again , that's what inspired me to push myself harder to do something more challenging. But I understand that's not going to be the case for every person.

And tag is fucking awesome. I'm almost 18 and I fucking love tag. Best game ever.

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#21  Edited By lamegame621
Levio91 said:
"Here in texas hardly anyones fat."
...and this totally isn't true. I live south of Houston and there are plenty of HUGE friggin people...not overweight.....like MORBIDLY OBESE
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#22  Edited By Hannable

This sudden concern about fat Americans is just another fear tactic by the media ... and I'm sure if you really do some digging, you'll find a cash cow at the bottom of the pit.  In other words, some industry somewhere is profiting handsomely from the media brainwashing that is taking place concerning fitness.

Don't get me wrong,  I'm not saying being physically fit is a bad thing,  but like with many other so-called studies and statistics, as well as with most media campaigns, it's blown all out of proportion.

For instance, when you read some statistic about how X percent of Americans are overweight, the reality is, if you're even one percentage point over the the line, you're slapped with the label.  However, the descriptions are worded to have everyone believing that anyone considered "overweight" are HUGE.  In point of fact, whenever I'm on campus, I'm pretty hard pressed to find someone who is noticeably overweight. Maybe 1 in every 100 people I see are overweight enough for me to actually notice how fat they are.  People who look physically fit are far far far more common.

More on topic, gym class was never meant to be an exercise program.  It had more to do with teaching kids about sportsmanship, fair play, teamwork, and for gaining an understanding of the rules for various sports.  As someone else pointed out,  the half an hour or so you might spend in gym class twice per week isn't going to keep anyone skinny or fit.

And dodge ball was fun!  Now a'days, I'm surprised they aren't teaching crotchet or basket weaving in gym class.  Anything to avoid our precious angels from skinning their knees.

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#23  Edited By mr_korean

My brothers elementary school banned tag. When the principal was asked about it she said, "It was too rough"... LAME!