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    Lady Bug

    Game » consists of 6 releases. Released October 1981

    Lady Bug is an arcade game from 1981 that attempted to capitalize on the success of Pac-Man, but differentiated itself by adding revolving doors and a more structured bonus system. Its port for the Colecovision was one of the more popular games for that system.

    ironcladmerc's Lady Bug (ColecoVision) review

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    • Score:
    • ironcladmerc wrote this review on .
    • 0 out of 0 Giant Bomb users found it helpful.

    Lady Bug is addictive!

    This was my favorite game on ColecoVision back in the day. I was so addicted to it, I actually figured out there was a pattern to the game.  I'd play this game for days on end.  It was a Pac-Man clone where you could move the walls around as you moved through the maze.

    And like Pac-Man, there was a pattern to the game, so that if you learned the pattern, it would make the game extremely easy to beat.  My experience culminated in one session that lasted 8 hours straight on one Saturday afternoon.  I beat the game, and the Coleco Vision locked up. There was no "death screen" like Pac man or Donkey Kong, the game just froze. I'm not 100% sure if it was the console overheating or just the game couldn't handle such a high score, but I feel like this is the one arcade game from the 80s that I could beat.

    So for that, I give this game a 3.5 stars.


    Other reviews for Lady Bug (ColecoVision)

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