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    PlayStation 3

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    The PlayStation 3 (often abbreviated PS3) is the third home video game console created and released by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.


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    Edited By TopCat

    my 60 gig ps3 ylod on me  yesterday and a game got stuck inside i really think this is mees up but i will buy a new one soon a ps3 slim whats the deal how can i get my copy of batman out of my old ass ps3?

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    #1  Edited By TopCat

    my 60 gig ps3 ylod on me  yesterday and a game got stuck inside i really think this is mees up but i will buy a new one soon a ps3 slim whats the deal how can i get my copy of batman out of my old ass ps3?

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    #2  Edited By iam3green

    call up sony. i think somewhere there is a place that u poke that ejects the CD.

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    #3  Edited By xyzygy

    The only thing I've ever heard of was that when you send it to Sony, they take the game out and send it back to you.

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    #4  Edited By HitmanAgent47

    It happens again to the 60 gig ps3, it's always the 60 gig ps3. Luckily I had a waranty at best buy and they just gave me a 80 gig instead.
    I disagree with the $150 price sony charges which is half of the ps3 slim. I think they should pay for it themselves and fix it for free.

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    #5  Edited By chililili
    @HitmanAgent47 said:
    " It happens again to the 60 gig ps3, it's always the 60 gig ps3. Luckily I had a waranty at best buy and they just gave me a 80 gig instead.  I disagree with the $150 price sony charges which is half of the ps3 slim. I think they should pay for it themselves and fix it for free. "
    I think if its in warranty they don't charge you, but you can't compare that to Microsoft, they only do that for free becuase they have a MASSIVE failure rate, since Sony does not they do not need to take good care of that part of their audience.
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    #6  Edited By PufferFiz

    Open it up, since you are going to buy a new one. Just read some instructions online on where to unscrew.

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    #7  Edited By Andorski

    If you have a 60 GB, then just suck it up, pay the $150, and ship it to Sony as there is no other way to get a BC PS3.  When you fill out the repair form, there is a check box saying that you have a game stuck in the disc tray.  They usually are able to ship you back your PS3 within 1-2 weeks.

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    #8  Edited By HitmanAgent47
    @chililili: What 10% failure according to certain surveys isn't a big problem? I disagree. Also the 3% failure rate is obviously a lie. 
    Then again the xbox360 is past 40% failure rate, however since every ps3 60 gig owner is going to have their consoles fail, should they be punished by sony for their engineering mistakes? How about lower the price for repairs for the ylod.
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    #9  Edited By TwoOneFive
    @HitmanAgent47 said:
    " It happens again to the 60 gig ps3, it's always the 60 gig ps3. Luckily I had a waranty at best buy and they just gave me a 80 gig instead.  I disagree with the $150 price sony charges which is half of the ps3 slim. I think they should pay for it themselves and fix it for free. "
    well if the problem was anywhere near as widespread as the 360 red rings then yeah that would make sense, but i can almost garantee that a majority of the so-called YLOD incidents are user caused, not keeping it dust free, not keeping it in a cool environment during extended hours of play etc. i dnt think it even deserves that stupid name. it looks like a one flash of orange for like a half a second. they call it red ring of death and thats exactly what it looks like, and besides, its not widespread enough to even have a nick name in the first place. 
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    #10  Edited By HitmanAgent47
    @TwoOneFive: It happened to every 60 gig ps3, I was on serveral sites and the users are not the ones to blame. You wonder why it's called the yellow light of death or YLOD. It's not widespread because spineless famous sites doesn't want to report the story about it because they don't want to bite the hand the feeds them. It's widespread enough to be on sony's forum since there are threads about it.
    If you don't think it's widespread, look here on youtube, there is a hundred pages on it.
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    #11  Edited By chililili
    @HitmanAgent47 said:
    " @chililili: What 10% failure according to certain surveys isn't a big problem? I disagree. Also the 3% failure rate is obviously a lie.   Then again the xbox360 is past 40% failure rate, however since every ps3 60 gig owner is going to have their consoles fail, should they be punished by sony for their engineering mistakes? How about lower the price for repairs for the ylod. "
    Again even if its 10% failure rate on the alunch consoles, which I beleive it is not Sony will not extend the warranty or drop teh cost of repairs unless it believes that it would be more damaging and they would lose more money in potential customers and bad rep. That's the only reason companies do stuff like that (and why people don't gripe about RROD as much). Also take into account that these machines are breaking 3 years after they were sold not a month.
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    #12  Edited By HitmanAgent47
    @chililili: One in every 10 ps3 breaks, 3 in 10 xbox360 breaks. That's comparable and alot. I don't know why your defending sony. It's already a problem and that needs to change, almost every 60 gig ps3 is getting the ylod and mine happened right at the second year of the launch console. Guess what, everyone I knew who had the ylod, it always happens right after their waranty, no one had a ylod during the waranty.
    here are the numbers
    The problem is ign is not reporting these stories and when a watchdog organasation did, sony responded. They even acknowledge the ylod and how they try to spin the truth saying it was only less than a percent. 

    I am not here to argue with you, which wouldn't futher my goals. I am saying is there anyone in the community who has their ps3 ylod want to help me write a petition for sony to lower their price on their repair fee due to the ps3 slim's price. If ign, gamespot, gamepro, who are all spineless ps3 fanboys and doesn't want to go against sony in writing an article, I would take matters into my own hands by writing them for an article, start a new group of ppl to discuss the ylod and also start enough of a fuss that sony would lower the repair prices for everyone. It's not the consumer's fault when one out of every ten ps3 breaks down. I am only replying to you to futher my cause, thank you. You can defend sony all you want, everyone else does because of brand loyalty.
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    #13  Edited By TopCat

    just got a new ps3 today  mine was out of warranty since it was a lounch ps3

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