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Film & 40s

Film & 40s: Film & 40s: The Rock

Jeff Gerstmann joins the east coast crew as we attempt to answer the most pressing questions of our time: Who is Womack, and is he, in fact, a piece of shit?

An audio accompaniment to your movie viewing pleasure with your friends at Giant Bomb.

Apr. 6 2018

Posted by: Alex

Episode Notes:

This podcast is an audio supplement, meant to be played simultaneously with the film The Rock. We are watching the film via a US Blu-ray release. Streaming and rental options can be found here.

Two housekeeping notes:

1. The commentary begins at the Blu-ray's 14 second mark. That's unusually far in for an opening, and it looks like the disc we watched has an extra ten seconds of black screen before the first logo starts to fade up. Depending on where you're watching, it might start closer the 4 second mark instead of 14. As we say in the commentary, it's right as the outline of the Sphinx becomes visible in the Hollywood Pictures logo.

2. There's a moment after I hit play where I thought I hit the wrong button, but I didn't. The movie starts with the normal timing. Please disregard my reaction. I would have cut it but it would have made for a weird bit of silence at the top and I didn't want to throw people off.