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Film & 40s

Film & 40s: Film & 40s: The Wicker Man (2006)

Waypoint's Austin Walker joins the Bee-st crew to pick apart this absurd, terrible, absurdly terrible remake.

An audio accompaniment to your movie viewing pleasure with your friends at Giant Bomb.

May. 4 2018

Posted by: Alex

In This Episode:

Nicolas Cage


Episode Notes:

This podcast is an audio supplement, meant to be played simultaneously with the film The Wicker Man (2006). We are watching the film via a US Blu-ray release. Streaming and rental options can be found here.

NOTE: There are two versions of this movie out there, which we did not realize until after we'd recorded this. They're identical except for the ending. The UNRATED version, which is the version that was released on Blu-ray (and that we are watching), has the alternate ending that includes the infamous "NOT THE BEES" scene. The theatrical cut, which is the one most widely available for digital rental, omits that sequence and includes a "SIX MONTHS LATER" final scene that isn't in the version we watched. Please make sure you are watching the UNRATED version if you can.

Our commentary begins at the film's 16 second mark. It's right before the Alcon Entertainment logo fades up.