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Had to start up a blog to get the achievement, so I might as well say something, while I'm here. 
I have so many games around me that I haven't beaten, I feel defeated. I can't seem to decide on playing anything. I have Heavy Rain, Mega Man 1-10, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Pokemon Diamond, World of Warcraft (damn you, WoW, and boring-ass leveling from 1 to around 50), and other. To tell you the truth, I want to play God of War III, even though I beat it already. That was a game that was fun all the way through. Heavy Rain's messed up controls and story that has gotten less and less interesting pushes me away. Pokemon Diamond is an RPG, and I'm stuck with a bunch of high level pokemon that won't obey me. Mega Man 1-10 are all day projects. Splinter Cell is, well, Splinter Cell, making it hard for me to enjoy, as much as I love good stealth games. World of Warcraft is dead set on making me bored until I get to a high enough level to raid. I'd much rather play a game that is fun all the time, like God of War III. 
Anyway, that's what I've been doing. Nothing. I'll probably be playing WoW while I listen to a couple of Bombcasts. I hear that's the only way of getting through it all, and I did that with Burnout Paradise, so I don't doubt it. But first!, let's complete some more achievements here.


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Edited By AaronReynolds

Had to start up a blog to get the achievement, so I might as well say something, while I'm here. 
I have so many games around me that I haven't beaten, I feel defeated. I can't seem to decide on playing anything. I have Heavy Rain, Mega Man 1-10, Splinter Cell: Conviction, Pokemon Diamond, World of Warcraft (damn you, WoW, and boring-ass leveling from 1 to around 50), and other. To tell you the truth, I want to play God of War III, even though I beat it already. That was a game that was fun all the way through. Heavy Rain's messed up controls and story that has gotten less and less interesting pushes me away. Pokemon Diamond is an RPG, and I'm stuck with a bunch of high level pokemon that won't obey me. Mega Man 1-10 are all day projects. Splinter Cell is, well, Splinter Cell, making it hard for me to enjoy, as much as I love good stealth games. World of Warcraft is dead set on making me bored until I get to a high enough level to raid. I'd much rather play a game that is fun all the time, like God of War III. 
Anyway, that's what I've been doing. Nothing. I'll probably be playing WoW while I listen to a couple of Bombcasts. I hear that's the only way of getting through it all, and I did that with Burnout Paradise, so I don't doubt it. But first!, let's complete some more achievements here.